Forever Changed - By Jamie Gibson Page 0,48

Lord boomed.

“Ha, me fear you? Is that some kind of joke?” I asked with sarcasm.

He looked pissed, “You should fear me, for I have come to take back what you have stolen from me.”

“Really, what exactly is it that I ‘stole’?” I said crossing my arms and pushing my right hip out a little.

“Your father and my son,” the Dark Lord boomed again.

I started giggling, “You serious? Because last I checked, he is my father and has no debt to pay to you. And Landon, well I have claims on him.” I looked over at Landon and smiled and he looked at me grinning a little.

“DO YOU NOT BOW BEFORE YOUR FATHER, BOY?” The Dark Lord screamed at Landon.

“I have no reason to bow down to you. You told me that I could make a choice to stay and be normal because I do not fit in the Underworld. So my decision has been made. I am staying with Elizabeth, I love her.” Landon said with his head held high and his shoulders back.

“Do you think she wants you? She will find a new man to love and will be rid of you faster than you can take a breath. You have betrayed me and your brothers. You were supposed to bring her back, so that we could have her powers. And now you tell me you will stay.” The Dark Lord questioned and assumed. I wonder why he was being so

hard on Landon, but then again he was right, Landon did betray him.

“Well, what can I say father except that shit happens,” Landon said mockingly.

“Well my son, you are from here on stripped of your powers. You will remain a demon, but I shall make you normal as possible. When you slip and do my work, then you will return home. Once there you will suffer a great amount indeed.” The Dark Lord said to Landon with a smirk on his face.

The Dark Lord raised his hand, as if waving away an annoying dog and Landon dropped to his knees. Landon was screaming in excruciating pain and I didn’t know what to do. We all stood there watching Landon wiggle and squirm. He was crying in pain, finally all screams ceased and he dropped to the floor, he appeared to be sleeping. I knew better. Tears formed in my eyes as I looked at the Dark Lord standing before me.

“What did you do to him you beast,” I screamed at him.

“I took his powers; he has no use for them and will earn them back in time. Do you really think that I would allow him to fight me? Hahahhaha….” He laughed like a crazy man. “No, I want him to fight me as a human, he will be reborn. However, he may just fall through the floor, when I take care of business and go back home to the Underworld. He will pay for his betrayal.”

“What business is it that you think you need to take care of?” I asked him willing the tears to stay back. I wanted to run to Landon and hold him. I wanted to tell him everything would be ok and that I loved him. I wanted to breathe the life back into his body.

“I will be taking your father and I will convert your mother. As for you, Elizabeth I want your powers and I will get them.” He said staring me down like a piece of meat. Whoa, what? Convert my mother? What the hell was he talking about?

“You? And what army?” I asked sarcastically.

“I don’t need an army; I can take care of you all on my own.” He said with a grin. “Now how should I do this?” He walked slowly around on his hoofed feet, with his finger tapping his chin. I looked over at my mother who was standing with her head held high, wearing a beautiful gold dress, she was far from scared.

My father was terrified, he knew what happened in the Underworld and he did not want to go back. I couldn’t blame him. Then I looked at my poor Landon, lying lifeless on the floor and I felt the burning build up. This is my family damn it, I am not about to allow this piece of shit to ruin everything great and dear to me.

I looked up at the Dark Lord my eyes starting to turn red and said through gritted teeth, “I am giving you the chance to turn around and go Copyright 2016 - 2024