Forever Changed - By Jamie Gibson Page 0,47

to walk toward us. I was horrified, what if we were not able to defeat them? I couldn’t think like that though because I had my family to think about.

I braced myself and I thought that they moved slowly, but in all honesty, they moved faster than I expected. They ran towards us catching us off guard with their speed, except Landon.

Landon threw his hands up and pushed black balls of fire at them to keep them from ripping us to shreds.

That was when I was ready and pissed. I threw fire ball after fire ball at them. Once they connected they died, turning into nothing but stinky smoke and ash. They kept coming up out of their rabbit holes, ten to twenty at a time. Charging at us, but mostly charging at me. They wanted me and I thought to myself, I should just give up to keep my family safe, but I knew I couldn’t. My family and especially Landon wouldn’t let me sacrifice myself.

I saw my father, shooting mostly flames out of his eyes. We didn’t have time to concentrate on them, to crush or smash them. Landon used black balls of fire to ward them off. I noticed that my mother, who could only produce a little white line during practice, could now produce larger white balls of something.

The demons kind of avoided my mother which was a good thing, but they did because of the light. Not sure what the balls

of light were because they didn’t look like flames, they shimmered. Huh, it had me totally dumbfounded, but I focused my attention back on the demons that seemed to keep rising out of there rabbit holes. As soon as I had looked away, I heard my mother scream in agony as one jumped on her, raking their talon fingers down her chest.

“Hey,” I screamed out at the demon. It turned and looked at me as I threw a fire ball, aiming right at its face. “Eat this!” it cocked its head a little to the left as the ball made contact. It turned to ash and smoke right at my mother’s feet. She smiled gently at me. I smiled back weakly.

I wondered how many more were going to rise. Then, Landon had killed the last one. It stopped, no more came out of the floor. We looked at each other and smiled, except for Landon. He had a look on his face, like a child who had was ashamed of their bad behavior. I wondered why, when I looked around the room.

Fire crept up all the walls around us, I watched as the roof turned into a black starless pit. The fire place disappeared and I watched as it turned into a fountain of flowing lava. What in the world? Then I realized the Dark Lord was coming. My father and mother looked tense and Landon looked ashamed. I was ready though, I was beyond ready to get this shit over with and done.

I watched as a huge hole appeared right in front of us, causing us to back up a few steps. I watched as something started rising out of the mutant looking rabbit hole. I bet if Alice seen that, the bitch wouldn’t dare go down in that hole, looking for the white talking rabbit that disappeared into Wonderland. This was far from Wonderland and a white rabbit was not going into the gaping hole, but something was coming out of it. I watched as two funny shaped huge long black horns slowly emerged up out of the hole.

The Dark Lord was coming out of my living room floor. I braced myself.

Chapter 31

Slowly he emerged, rising and rising up out of the rabbit hole. I watched cautiously hoping he wouldn’t come out ready to fight.

I was not surprised about what he looked like. His face was mean looking with seriousness about him. His eyes were as dark as Landon’s, if not darker. He had so many wrinkles, that he reminded me of a pug, those dogs were cute but, the Dark Lord was just ugly.

His skin was drawn tight, that looked to have a greasy slime on it but, at the same time scaly rough looking. He had spikes sticking up around his throat and down his arms. His skin was a charcoal color and his hands looked like the demons, but without talons, just long and black. He was tall and stood on hoofed feet.

“Ahhhh, Elizabeth, do you fear me?” the Dark Copyright 2016 - 2024