Forever Changed - By Jamie Gibson Page 0,46

to the Underworld. Every time I disappeared, I would go to argue with my father, telling him I couldn’t do it. Of course, I haven’t disappeared any since because he told me I had made my decision. which I have and his reply was that he shall fight me as well. He could have ended it right there for me, but he sent me back with his warning that he would be coming.” Landon said this with his head down.

When he raised his head and looked me in the eyes, I actually saw tears forming.

“Wow!!” I said. I didn’t know what else to say. Landon didn’t come to protect me; he had come to take me to the Underworld.

“Please don’t be upset, Elizabeth.” My mother said with tears in her eyes. “We love you and need you to be strong.”

“I am not upset, I am am….hurt,” I finished saying with the right word. “Please excuse me.” I said, while putting my fork down and leaving the table.

I headed up the stairs to my room. I went in laid on my bed and cried. I cried over Landon lying to me and over my father being murdered. I cried over my mother knowing more than she let on. I cried over the lies in my father’s letter. I didn’t know what was going on.

Alone, confused, hurt, and angry, I cried myself to sleep.

Chapter 30

So, I got over throwing my tantrum and for the next two weeks, we worked our butts off getting prepared for the Dark Lord. We practiced our powers. I had mine down pretty good. We worked with the flames, fire balls, inhaling the fire, and of course exhaling the fire. All in all we were doing great.

I was nervous yes, but scared, hell no. I was not letting anything happen to my family. After years of wishing things were different between my parents, and finally having a best friend and a boyfriend, I finally got all of it. My life was just the way I wanted it and I was not about to let anything change that.

Landon said that the Dark Lord would rise on the full moon. That was tomorrow. I decided that today we would just sit, watch movies, hangout, relax, and play some board games, and cards.

That is exactly what we did, all day. We enjoyed ourselves and laughed. We acted like a normal family. Finally, at the end of the day the laughing ceased and tension rose. We were all nervous and we were all worried about the outcome that tomorrow would bring. Would we defeat the Dark Lord? Or would we spend eternity in damnation?

We all went to bed early that night, but I don’t think any of us slept well at all. We were restless. Small screams would break through the silent night from one of us having nightmares, of what tomorrow night may bring. The next morning we hardly talked to each other. My parents sat in a chair together, wrapped in each other’s arms and Landon and I did the same. The only thing we did was wait. We waited for the sun to go down and for the full moon to rise. We were ready.


We were sitting in the living room when the full moon rose high above the house. We watched and listened. Slowly holes formed in the floors, the same kind of rabbit hole that Landon had appeared out of the night in my bathroom. I looked at my family and Landon and they looked back at me. Without a word we all shook our heads. We were ready.

At first, we stood there in position and waited. I watched in horror as holes surrounded us, all around the room. Flames rose out of the red glow of the bottomless pits.

Standing at least 4 feet tall, the demons that rose out of the floor, were the most disgusting things I had ever laid eyes.

Rotten meat smelled better then these things. They smelled so bad; it took everything I had not to cover my mouth and nose with my hand.

Their flesh was livid and looked bruised. Black, cracked, and filthy bones protruded out of their skin. Their heads were weirdly shaped and red eyes peered out of their too big eye sockets. Their teeth alone were scary, two rolls of jagged sharp teeth. Their fingers were skeletal looking with only a thin layer of skin and they had talons for their fingertips.

They hunched over a little, when they proceeded Copyright 2016 - 2024