Forever Changed - By Jamie Gibson Page 0,45

for one night. Let’s let her rest, all of us really need it. We will pick back up tomorrow. I am so proud of you Elizabeth, you have done so much today.” My mother said with pride beaming from her eyes.

We were all in agreement, so we decided we would take the rest of the day off. I had accomplished flames shooting out of my eyes, balls of fires in my hands, inhaling the flames from the woods fire, and setting myself on fire. Amazing, now I was going to work in the dark room, I grabbed Landon’s hand. “Come on I want to show you how this works.” We ran into the house and up the stairs to my dark room.


We were sitting down to the beautiful dinner Julie made for us. Landon was going on talking about how I taught him everything in the dark room.

“Well where are the pictures you developed.” My father asked Landon.

“Ummmm…Elizabeth threw almost all of them away and well the other few we have, are drying.” He replied without making eye contact with my father.

“Why did you throw them away, Elizabeth?” My father asked, with a weird look on his face.

How was I supposed to tell my father that they were pictures of his murder? They were sad, gruesome, and depressing. The picture of his body lying, in the floor showed the blood splatter, as the sign for the devil. I didn’t want them anymore. My father was here, in flesh and blood. I didn’t want to see him in dead.

I laid my fork down on the table and looked at my father.

“I didn’t want them anymore that is why I threw them away.” I was so serious silence fell on the room. No clinks of forks and no sound of chewing. All eyes were on me.

“But why, Elizabeth?” my father said, with more persistence in his voice.

I became angry. “Why in the hell would I keep something awful of your murder? I took pictures of everything I was forced to do. It was the most miserable, emotional time of my life. I couldn’t have them lying around reminding me of what we are!!!” I screamed at him.

My parents both hung their heads down looking at their laps. They knew I was right and they understood completely. I felt bad for getting angry, but they shouldn’t push me to talk about something I didn’t want to talk about.

My father looked up and made eye contact with me. Our brilliant blue eyes burning into each other and said, “Are you ashamed of who we are, Elizabeth?”

I thought for a minute while we sat staring at each other. My mother was looking like we were going to kill each other, right there. She was scared of the answer I had for my father. She was proud of who she is and my father of who he is, but me, I don’t know who or what I fully am.

“I am not ashamed, but sometimes wished I was a normal teenager with a normal family, living in a normal house, and in love with a normal man.” I said sighing, “but this is my life and I am happy to be a part of it. Who knew that my first best friend and boyfriend would be a demon?” I giggled a little, lowered my eyes from my fathers, and picked up my fork. I couldn’t risk looking at any of them, especially Landon. I could feel him tense up sitting next to me.

“I understand, Elizabeth, but you are special. I am glad that Landon is your best friend; he is an amazing young man and has already decided what he wants. He doesn’t want to go back to the Underworld because he may be a demon, but he is far different than one. His father sent him here for a reason. He thought that Landon would get close to you and drag you back to the Underworld. He didn’t factor, that Landon would find love on his mission. He is a demon who should not feel anything other than hate and anger.” My father said cautiously, trying not to piss me off.

I looked up at Landon with tears in my eyes, “You lied to me?”

“I had to Elizabeth, your father didn’t send me here, but my father did. Mitch, begged me to stay away from you, but when I came into your bathroom that night. I knew then I would never be able to take you back Copyright 2016 - 2024