Forever Changed - By Jamie Gibson Page 0,14

but was thinking I really wanted to know his name. I know. How weird is that?

To my amazement he just laughed at me! I did not find what I said amusing! Oh, this just pissed me off. “Who the hell do you think you are?” I screamed while jumping out of the tub and grabbing my robe. I was still putting my robe on when, I looked up and he was just staring at me. “Are you some kind of pervert? Because seriously I would have preferred you to look through the window, instead of dirtying up my bathroom. Even better, I would really prefer it if you would leave!”

He was just as fascinated with me as I was of him. “I am the Son of the Dark Lord,” the weird guy standing before me said. No trace of humor remained in his voice and his eyes were all serious. I just looked at him.

“Ummm yeah ok, that explains a lot, now get out,” I spat out at him.

He chuckled, “Oooo Elizabeth, I am so glad I am finally getting to meet you. My name, well, you can call me Landon.” He still looked amused and I didn’t understand.

“Now, err Landon that you have told me your name, we have met and you can leave. Thanks for your time, but what do you want a cookie or something?”

“Elizabeth, aren’t you the least bit curious of not who I am, but what I am?” He said this with so much interest in his voice that it dripped on my feet!

“If I ask what you are, will you go back through your red rabbit hole, before you’re late for you’re very important date?” My mind had wondered off to the children’s movie ‘Alice in Wonderland’.

“Not so sure I can do that, we do have some things we need to talk about, Elizabeth.” He said sweetly.

“Can we not pick another day, when it’s not in my bathroom? That would be great!” I said again more sarcastically.

“Yes, we can another day.” He finally agreed to a different day. Men I swear they are hard headed and stubborn. “I say we are going to get to know each other really well, Elizabeth. We will become great friends.”

“We will see about that.” I said just wanting him to go so I could go finish my bath and prepare myself for school in the morning. “Ok, Landon, what are you?”

“I, Elizabeth am Landon the Son of the Dark Lord,” he said this standing a little taller and prouder. “I am a little confused how you don’t know what I am, for my appearance should give it away.” He said this while studying me, rubbing his chin, and waiting for me to reply. I said nothing. He waited and I just stood their wrapped up in my robe staring at him.

The weird guy standing before me showed no trace of humor in his voice and his eyes were all serious. I just looked at him.

Out of nowhere, he threw his hands up, startled me, and screamed, “I AM A DEMON, ELIZABETH!”

Chapter 12

Now I understood why he said not to fear him. How funny, me, fear him.

“And…you want me to do what about this?” I asked while crossing my arms over my chest. He acted like it was my fault he was a demon or something.

“Your impossible, Elizabeth,” he said easing his way back to his rabbit hole. “I like it though. I really do like it. Until we meet again Elizabeth, you will be seeing me more than you think.” He winked, waved, and he disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

For the rest of the night all I could do was think about Landon the Son of the Dark Lord!


The alarm rang at 5:30am and I rolled out of the bed to go get ready for school. It was Monday and as much as I dreaded going to school, I had the evening to look forward to. I had already decided that I was going to find my father’s study and do some research. Especially now that I had a demon visit me in my bathroom. I wonder why I was not scared. Anyone else in my situation would have had a heart attack, but there I stood arguing and aggravated with his presence. I guess it has to do with who I am.

I dressed quickly, brushed my hair and teeth, put a little makeup on and hurried out of my bedroom to the kitchen downstairs.

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