Forever Changed - By Jamie Gibson Page 0,13

there frozen! I didn’t know if someone was going to come in and drown me or what. I was not scared, but I was agitated. I was supposed to be trying to relax and now this shit. Seriously, can I not get to enjoy a nice hot bath without something happening?

Then I see it, a red glow coming from my floor, in the corner of my huge bathroom. This is where all the whispering was coming from, and had turned into a chant like song. Seriously, it reminded me of the movie Nemo, when they were initiating him into the fish tank. “Shark-bait ooh ah ah.” I was trying my best not to giggle, when this thought crossed my mind.

The red glow was a hole it appeared, but I was not about to investigate. I watched as a something, came up out of the floor. It was tall and dark! I watched as it edged closer to my tub. The chanting and the red glow behind it, shone brightly.

It got closer in the candle light and I realized the “it” was actually more like a person. I looked him over. He was wearing a long black cape that trailed out behind him; it appeared to be steaming, as if someone had poured cold water into a hot pan. It was torn and ripped in a few places and on his broad wide shoulders, there were spikes sticking up everywhere decorating the cape. I thought to myself, really, I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing that in a play, more or less in public.

As he made his way closer to my tub and into the light I could make out more of his features. He was quite young, looking to be a little older than me. His skin was pale and creamy white. However he looked like he had an accident and fell into a chimney, causing soot and ash to get all over him. I was not so sure anymore that his cape looked like steam, for all I know, it could have soot and ash all over which means my bathroom will be a mess.

His hair was dark and long, it had not been washed, but looked as if oil was dripping from it. How disgusting!! I would be more willing to get out of this tub so he can use it himself, jeez, the dude needs to bathe.

I was so fascinated by him that I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. On his forehead there appeared to be to small stubs, one on each side. I was not so sure what those were, but my eyes by then had connected to his.

His eyes were magnificent! They were dark and looked even darker to his pale white skin. I looked into his eyes and thought I was looking at the night sky with no stars. That was not the best part. The best part was that he had specks of red in the black of his pupils. When he opened his mouth to speak however, I totally forgot about his eyes.

“Hello, Elizabeth,” when his lips parted, I could then see that he had little pointed razor sharp teeth. O lord, he needed some dental work done big time. Other than his teeth, hair, clothes, and the dude needing a good bath, he would have been gorgeous. He continued to speak, “I have waited patiently to meet you!” His voice sounded as if it were the sun melting snow. I was the snow by the way.

“Ummmm, I am sorry, but do I know you!” I asked him like a snobby cheerleader picking on a new kid at school. I pushed myself down in the tub surrounding myself with bubbles to cover up my nakedness. I had obviously forgotten about being naked, but now I was a little embarrassed. Even with him looking all rough and stuff he was still gorgeous. “Most importantly, why the hell are you in my bathroom? Can’t you see that I am in the middle of a bath?”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” he said while moving his finger back and forth. “You need not fear me, my dear Elizabeth”

“Fear you? Ha, I don’t fear you! I want you to return down to the hole that you came out of, so that I may finish my bath. I have a busy day tomorrow and I do have school to attend. So show yourself out and go back into your hole!” I looked at him as if he was scum, Copyright 2016 - 2024