Forever Changed - By Jamie Gibson Page 0,12

to him though and has for a while. I am not a hundred percent sure if the boy I saw in my camera was real, but I was definitely going to find out!

Once I reached my bedroom, I walked over to the side of my bed and pressed the button to enter my studio, from there I half walk, half ran to the back room to the door leading into my black room. I walked in and flipped the switch that casts a red light, so that regular light does not ruin my film. I hear the familiar sound of the soft humming from the vent fan that automatically comes on when I turn on the light.

I set up my three trays next to the sink on the long counter. I grabbed the developer and the fixer off the shelf under the table. The developer is what develops my pictures on the paper and the fixer is what stops the developer from, well, developing. I poured some of the developer in the first tray and the second tray I poured some fixer. The last tray I turned to the sink and put some water in it, so that when my pictures are done being processed, all the chemicals can be washed off of it.

After I got the trays set up I walked over to the enlarger and placed some special paper on it. I removed my camera from around my neck and I fumbled around with my camera trying to open it. Even though there is a red light on in the dark room, that does not mean that you can see that well. So opening my camera was a pain. I couldn’t turn on the regular light because I had my paper already in the enlarger and if it came on it would turn my paper black when I put it in the developer.

I finally opened the camera and reached into the chamber to remove the film. The chamber was empty.

Chapter 11

I couldn’t believe it. I was dumbfounded! When I had ran to grab my camera earlier, before going on a walk, the one I had used to take pictures of my father’s murder scene, well I had removed the film and placed it in the safe. When I was taking pictures I had forgotten to replace the film.

Now I was frustrated and would never find out the truth if the boy was real or not. I laid my camera down and walked out of my dark room and into my bedroom, and then I headed straight for my bathroom.

I wanted to try and relax; the last couple of days had been horrible so I needed it so I would take a bath. I had grabbed my robe on my way to the bathroom and laid it beside my tub. I slowly lit all of the black candles that surrounded my tub, turning on the faucet, filling the tub with hot water.

I grabbed some bath oil and bubble bath stuff out of the closet and poured a little of each in the hot steamy water. I took my ripped bloody clothes and threw them in the trash along with my Nikes.

After pulling my hair back in a ponytail and shutting off the lights, I walked back to my tub; slowly I eased myself into the hot water, letting the hotness sting my skin, inhaling the steam and aromas that came off of the water. After turning off the water, I laid back with my whole body submerged in the water except for my head.

I relaxed my head back on a rolled up towel and closed my eyes.

I had only been laying there for five minutes when I heard an eerie sound. It sounded like whispering. I opened my eyes and raised my head to have a look around my bathroom. No one was there, but I strained to hear the same noise again. I heard nothing, shrugged my shoulders and laid my head back down while closing my eyes once again.

I heard the whispering again and didn’t have to strain to hear it. It was loud and clear, “Elizabeth! Elizabethhhhhh!!!”

I snapped my eyes opened, jumped up into a sitting position set, looking around the room. I saw nothing. What in the world is going on?

I felt a hot breeze and the thought of the steamy water crossed my mind. That was until the candlelight started flickering. The flames were dancing around as if someone was blowing on them.

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