Forever Changed - By Jamie Gibson Page 0,15

never been big on cooking, so my father had hired a maid through the week to do our cleaning and cooking for us. On the weekends we ordered takeout and she was relieved from her duties.

When I reached the kitchen, I was greeted with the aroma of bacon, sausage, and eggs. I was starving the last time I ate was when I buried my father in the garden.

Julie was the maid that worked through the week and she was like a friend to me. I always helped where I could and we would go to her living quarters and watch movies and such when we could.

“Good morning Elizabeth, hungry?” Julie asked.

“Why yes, Julie I am famished, this all smells amazing.” I said while Julie handed me a plate.

Julie had no family that she spoke of; this was one of the reasons that my father had hired her. However, I looked up to Julie as if she was my sister and I never treated her like a maid. My father couldn’t stand her and treated her horribly, but when I was around I always stood up for Julie. She was well paid so she tolerated the way my father treated her. Julie has been a part of our family since I was five years old and I loved her dearly.

Julie grabbed her own plate, and grabbed my mother’s; we walked over to the table, and sat down ready to dig in. Julie and I didn’t wait for my mother; we started digging into the breakfast that Julie had prepared for us. We talked about the weekend mostly, but I let her do most of the talking, and I just continued to indulge in my breakfast.

Julie has a glow about her. She is so sweet and nice, that it is hard to believe that she is part of a human race. She is the type of woman that would give you the shirt off her back. She is the type that would hear your insults, but stand and smile. She was Julie and she was absolutely amazing. With wavy blond hair, soft tone voice and bright blue eyes, she reminded me of an angel.

We were enjoying our chat until my mother walked into the kitchen, “Ahhhh looks like you started breakfast without me,” my mother said through a cold tone in her voice.

“Of course we did! Do you honestly think that I would want to eat breakfast with you? And I am sorry, but I will not eat a cold breakfast and be late for school because you don’t know how to get up in time.” I said this too sweetly. I noticed Julie was looking at me with curiosity. She had never heard me talk to my mother the way I was talking to her now.

“Julie, heat my breakfast in the microwave and get this disgusting kitchen cleaned up! This is ridiculous, you should be eating your breakfast before we do. We didn’t hire you to entertain Elizabeth we hired you to clean and cook! Get with it!” I was shocked I had never heard my mother speak to Julie this way.

“Yes ma’am” Julie said standing. They exchanged a weird look between the two of them. It caught me a little off guard.

It was like they were playing a part in a play because their eyes were smiling at each other. It seemed to me that they had a secret between them that they couldn’t voice out to me. I still was not going to have her talking to Julie that way.

“No, heat your own damn breakfast!” I yelled at my mother. “Julie has been a part of our family for years and you will not treat her as if she is scum! Seriously, what is your problem? You will not talk to her like that, and another thing at least I HAVE someone to eat breakfast with since my father is gone!” I looked at her with so much hate that Julie was squirming in her chair. My mother just looked at me with her mouth opened slightly in shock. I had screamed at her in front of Julie and she didn’t know how to react. My mother was scared of me, just like she was with my father. She feared me, but for reasons unknown Julie and my mother walked on egg shells with me.

“You’re right Elizabeth, so sorry Julie! I will grab something on the way to my office. Have a lovely day ladies,” and with that she Copyright 2016 - 2024