Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,92

“It’s good that you train, but you’re not as big as the Samoans. Those geek muscles need practical use.”

Security picks us up as we’re laughing at her being a little nutty. The little shit like kissing my neck and her hand on my chest tightening when I tease her reminds me of my heaven.

Brothers are thick as we get closer to the tunnel. The house is chaos. It’s good to see normal here. Little Brothers stop and hug Alexia, me too but they stop her, I’m a second thought to them. It makes me smile. I should be jealous.

Alder, Justice and Cort are in Ops. Alder stands. “I clear room. Pres Cort show you important to him, Phoenix, BSC and Badass. Honor to you, Boss Alexia. He stand behind or to side.”

Alexia squeezes my hand while looking at Cort. “You raise me up?” The emotion in her voice surprises me.

Cort takes a second to answer. “Always. I’m honored to have the song show my purpose here and to you. Stand on mountains, walk through seas, my shoulders are big enough to hold you while you’re being all you can, Alexia.”

She swipes at her face. “Thank you. I understand Brothers better. Never alone, Web always says.”

She leans and my arms go around her. Emotions when she’s not scared is new. I hope my arms help. “Five minute. Water here, Web.” Alder’s face says he sees it and gets the importance here. She has connections and they’re growing to more than me and the Alpha-Bits. Justice nods. I’m glad I got it too.

We get her settled and stand behind her at my console seat. No one has spoken. For Alexia it’s normal. I’m glad my Brothers aren’t throwing platitudes out.

The Director shows in an office. “Alexia.” His whisper shows his shock.

“Yes, Alexia Ford. Web is my husband. I’m not sure if you know that or it matters. I don’t know family relationship dynamics or what you want to know. I have questions and hope that you’ll answer so we don’t lose any more men defending me or the Alpha-Bits. Everyone says they are willing to sacrifice their life for us. A man died and I’m not sure you understand that it is happening. I want to help stop people from dying. Every life should matter. I want all the men willing to sacrifice to live long enough to make families and know what that means. I’m learning it now and don’t want to lose more of my family if I can help. Why was I isolated for my whole life and what does it have to do with the Alpha-Bits?”

She’s direct. The Director has his jaw clamped tight. The muscles relax as his eyes take in Cort, Alder, Justice and me. Recognition shows in those eyes. “Can we talk alone, Alexia?”

“No. They can get the feed and watch it when we’re done or get it now. Justice is a reader and knows when someone is lying or not telling the whole truth. Cort is Badass and here to show he has my back. That’s a Badass Brother rule. I’m as important as everyone here. He’s here showing you and me what that means. Alder needs information to help the Brothers keep us safe and Web is here to make sure if my brain races, I have an anchor. I need them like I need answers.”

His eyes soften. “You’ve grown so much, Alexia. You’ve always been important. Your mind is brilliant like your little Alder friend.”

Alexia stops him. “He’s my family. Little Pres or Alder Ford. Alpha-Bits are called little Brothers too.”

Alder holds her hand and she calms. The Director has eyes only for her. “I didn’t know, I’ll refer to him showing respect. I understand Badass.” When Alexia nods, he goes on. “The reason you’ve been protected your whole life is that brilliant mind. Autism wasn’t seen like it is today. When you were born, we knew there were problems but not what to expect. The tests showed retardation but not like tests today.”

Alder takes in a breath. “No. Tests when Alexia born show autism possibility. She inherit. Autism 80% chance to baby. Lie to her disrespect. Retardation disrespect.”

The Director’s eyes shift to Alder. “It was the word my brother-in-law used. I’m telling the events leading up to her being secured away from me. Away from harm.”

Cort’s hand goes to Alder’s shoulder. Alder gives a nod and the Director’s eyes go back to Alexia. “We had test results from the doctor. It Copyright 2016 - 2024