Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,93

was later in the pregnancy. Your uncle was a scientist. He gave your mother so much information she couldn’t function some days. She wasn’t strong like you, Alexia. Fear, paranoia were part of her life daily. I didn’t know what he was planning until you were born. Your mother called me distraught. I sent police and two agents to the house. They stopped you from being taken but didn’t make it before your mother died. Your uncle was held at an underground location until I had you safe. A CIA agent and his wife kept you in France until you were three. My half-sister took care of you until you finished school here in the US. My first time close to you was in Quantico. I watched you in wonder, Alexia. Your mind has been likened to Alan Turing for the coding and encryption ability you showed so early. It’s not an ability many people have, Alexia.”

She nods not taking the compliment. “Is that why I got the job at the FBI?”

He’s surprised again. “Yes, your computer skills were higher than any we had seen in the FBI until I started opening the Ops offices. It was Commander Saber that had me recruiting the best minds for those Ops units. He saw your results and assured me he understood autism. His sister is autistic.”

Alexia nods. “Télia is married to Hamp Ford. She is my sister-in-law. I don’t have the connection from me to the Alpha-Bits or why I’m still in need of a security force of Badass and military to keep me safe.”

Her directness shows pain in his eyes. “Yes, your uncle was released after you were safe in France for a good year. I couldn’t bring him to court. Short of killing him, all I could do was release him. I was not the Director and had to keep you safe without the government trying to run tests on you. You have no idea how many programs and labs there are right here in the US.”

Alexia smiles. “I know more than you think. So, I was going to a crazy government lab. Why?”

With a deep breath he finally gets down to information that will help. “Your uncle ran one of those labs. He wanted your mother to give you to him for a study. He killed her for a study. I don’t think there are tests that could tell about your mind’s ability, but he did have equipment at the house to show you weren’t like other babies. Alexia, I never cared that you were different. I loved your mother. A baby with autism, a normal baby, it didn’t matter to me. Your uncle played on her fear. Seeing you, I think he may have purposely planted that fear in her. She loved you, Alexia.” He wipes his hands down his face. “I saw his name in the CIA paperwork.”

“You’re a Mason? I’ve never seen a ring on you. You wore that to show me what?”

He shakes his head. “I put it on before I sat, yes. I have always tried to be a good man, Alexia. I need you to know that.”

She looks at me. Giving her hand a squeeze, she turns back. “You never talked to me. I don’t understand why my opinion would matter when I didn’t. I’ll ask Web later. He doesn’t know family stuff either but he’s smart like Alder and Cort.”

Justice sighs and Alexia looks up at him. “He should know you're smart. You’re a Prince. You’re all smart.”

My eyes don’t leave the Director’s. He’s hurt again. “Alexia, you’ve always mattered to me. I kept you safely away from me so you’d never be stolen as a lab rat. You don’t know what these people are capable of. The CIA, the old FBI Director helped some of the labs here in the US. They’re still running experimental programs overseas and here. I’ve pulled agents out, but they’ve left the agency and still work there...”

Alexia shakes her head. “Please. My uncle’s name. What name is connecting me to the Alpha-Bits.”

“The doctor Mucimi killed on the island. The island with the babies. The fake Mason you saw in Sweden is part of that program through the CIA,” Justice says with no emotion. He’s pissed. I’ll have to ask later.

It hits me. “The twin?”

Alder nods. “One study Fragile X, military. Other autism?”

The Director nods. “Only one came to the wedding. I had never met the second.”

My hand is squeezed so hard I clench my teeth together. Copyright 2016 - 2024