Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,91

as a comfort.

I smile. “Not at all. We have some threats to deal with and maybe some help from the military. The Brothers stayed and will leave with us. They’re making sure we’re safe. It’s what Cort has always done for us. We’ll keep working and make it easier for them. You’re safe, happy and finding new words that have me planning what I can do to keep hearing them.”

She laughs. “Just be you. I love everything you do. I try to plan too, but the love chemicals get in the way.”

I kiss her so fucking cute head. I love her brain. “They do, baby. Are you okay with everything that happened?”

“A man died. He was here to keep us safe and died for that. I want to help his family and do something for him. What do we do? Only one SWAT in the unit died. He has a picture that isn’t enough. I don’t know what’s enough or what to do.”

Thinking about that I breathe trying to clear my eyes. “It’s never going to be enough. My Brothers are selfless where no one ever sees it. We were his only family. He gave his life defending us. Remembering him will show to everyone. Cort, Alder, even Justice feel the loss and will show it. We have Jinx and Beacon who will look for ways to show his life mattered. Alder said the honor we show the Brother’s sacrifice is to keep Badass moving forward. There is honor in remembering and fighting for what he lost his life defending. We show that honor by not giving up.”

She nods. “Honor is big to Badass. Forward is too. I’ll remember. I want to talk to the Director. He knows why people are coming here. I need to help. Remembering and not giving up means we need answers. I can be Badass like the Alpha-Bits and ask him. He’s not my boss anymore. I’ll help my new bosses and keep moving Badass forward. The Brother needs us to show we remember him.”

I have no idea what to say. “Are you sure?” Comes out but she wouldn’t say it if she wasn’t. She’s going to talk to her father. She nods and I squeeze her. “I’m there. Whenever you want, I’m there.”

“Can we do it today before we leave? We’ll have new leads to follow for tomorrow.” Work? She’s talking to her father thinking of work?

“Yeah. Do you want anyone else there?”

“Alder and you. He’s not my boss anymore. I don’t know about fathers. May’s father talked to her about everything. I don’t know what that’s like. If my brain races, I want Alder to know the answers. The Alpha-Bits are important to the Director and we don’t know why. Alder will get it. If my brain races, I have you to help. Even without sex, you always make everything better.”

Kissing her head isn’t enough so I hold her tighter. “I’m there, you’re never alone. I’ll get Alder there.”

She shakes her head against my chest. I bend to see her face, she moves so she’s looking up and at me making that easy. “I’ll chat him.” She does and I smile. My ol’ lady is amazing. “He’s getting Justice to make a counter. When can we be back there?”

“Thirty minutes.” It’s a ten to fifteen minute hike back. I’m giving her time to settle with what she’s doing, if she needs it. I’m surprised she didn’t ask for Sheila, she’s been sticking close to her this whole trip.

She types on her phone and looks up at me. “I put thirty. Are we stopping?”

My new smile is for that brain again. “No, Lexi. I was giving you time to settle with what you’ll be doing before you’re in front of the Director. I even thought Sheila may be support for you.”

She moves her legs to the side and stands. “No, I’m okay and know. I’ve never known him as a father. Talking to him could change that but I don’t expect any more than he’s already shown. He might not even talk to me.”

I nod and walk her back. I hope he doesn’t shut her down. The bastard better answer the call. She trips laughing. I smile at my girl who isn’t letting her dad shake her. I’m shaken and try to lighten up. “You’re tired? Did I tire my sexy Lexi out?” I tease.

She lets me pass then jumps on my back. “You can carry me since you wore me out.” She giggles. Copyright 2016 - 2024