Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,69

Wolfgang and Wain are new and learning too. They may need a hand to teach.”

He nods so cute. I turn to the other group thinking French is easier than Russian to me, my Russian is basic. “I hope my Brothers have helped when you need them. My name is Web. I’m glad you’re here and safe. We’ll teach you how to live away from the computer and find your way to happy. Here you can learn to swim, play on the trampoline, train and visit your Brothers in the other Clubs. You’re free here.”

“Food?” a boy asks in a southern dialect of French.

“We’re going to the kitchen now. You can eat when you’re hungry. Alder is a doctor and made meals the kitchen serves that are healthy and good for you. We found that you need meat and proteins to be healthy. He’ll help and if you’re in medical, he could use help learning more about what you need. We have meals planned every day, breakfast, lunch and supper. You have healthy snacks at ten and three. The kitchen is always open and Bear has fruit and other food available set on the trays. If you miss a meal and want more than fruit, tell the Brother on and he’ll get your food for you.”

The little guy doesn’t get all my French or he doesn’t believe. “Let’s go to the kitchen and we can explain where you can see it.”

A little Brother takes my hand. I look down then bend. “I saw you from Ops. How are you feeling?”

He lifts his shirt. I hug him speaking so he understands. “Tell Alder or me if you need something for pain. Alder made a cream to help. It takes the pain away.”

“I put it on him before we left. He may need it again.” Jinx bends. “He’s Russian. I don’t know it.” He doesn’t. That’s what I was speaking first.

“Do you have the cream?”

“Kitchen? I have, Web.” Aaron comes closer and hands me the tin of cream.

“Thanks, Aaron. The kitchen will be fine.”

We walk with my little friend happy to hold my hand. A boy trips and Jinx carries him. They need food. I told Bear to expect them. Inside, Aaron, Brody, Eli and Wolfgang help the little Brothers out explaining how it works. They walk around and take fruit. Aaron shows the menu if they want to order. Bear and a Prospect come out with trays of miniature cinnamon rolls and fruit pastries.

I get my little friend to the side and cream on his too thin little body, when I’m done, he nods and runs to the table. I don’t blame him, it smells good in here. After I wash, I sit with the Alpha-Bits. They explain how the compounds work better than I do. My little Russian friend points to me.

“Web. Biker save us. Web take us, not send back. He teach free, love, Brotherhood. Here, he make safe to us. We work, play, ride, love. Brothers help. VP Jinx like Web, he help, teach, love, fight safe to us,” Aaron tells the boy in Russian. Brody says it all in French.

Wolfgang nods. “He right. Web help me buy hamster. He good to everyone same as me.”

I smile when he shows his hamster and house from his tablet.



Stella left with her mom and Jess. They’re going to stay at the house with Stella. I like them both. I check in with Akai and Hannah. No Ops. The BSC here means nothing is scheduled and my shift was replaced by an Ops tech. I like that. Brantley walks in and I’m tongue tied. “They didn’t tell me you were here.” I don’t know what to say. He’s head of everything IT in all of the BSC East even Virginia.

He smiles and sits down. “Relax, Alexia. I’m working with Web later. I wanted to tell you what a great job you’re doing. My techs can’t keep up with your leads. Billy has a Team on it now. He thinks you’re an IT God.”

I shake my head. He’s an IT God like Web. In my office! “Thanks.” I look down embarrassed.

He gives a little laugh. “I don’t know what to say when people throw shit at me either. It used to make me wonder if I was slow before. Now I think it’s my normal work and new to them so they voice it. I wanted to let you know we see how much you can do without being tied by government rules. Copyright 2016 - 2024