Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,68

you, Alder.” He jumps on me making me smile through tears. “You’re so strong and smart. I’m glad you’re back and I can add safe.”

“Me too, Web. I miss home, Brothers, you, my Web.”

“We all missed you too. You got more safe. I’m always on the edge of my seat while you’re on Ops. I hope it doesn’t hurt you inside.”

He nods against my shoulder. “Does. Be home is good. I have you, Brothers, help. Out, everything on me. Here, I have you.”

I kiss his head. “Always, Alder. You should call when you need me.”

He moves so I let him go. I stay squatted down. “No words. Feel is big. Order, decision, future to boy no understanding. Feel is big.”

I nod. “It’s daunting to know their future is uncertain to them. You know different. Don’t second guess what you know. You are Little Pres for a reason. They’ll learn like you did, they’ll live like you did. They’ll be better because they have you who understands exactly what they feel and how new is a different that will open more pathways to a happy life. Without you giving orders and making decisions, their only future is in a room with no idea what happy is.”

He breathes deep. “Yeah. We teach and learn. I still learn. Thanks.” He hugs me again and turns. I was so focused on Alder I didn’t see Ben.

I throw him chin. “Brother. I’m glad you made the trip with them.”

“I am too. This is unfuckinbelievable, Alder.”

I smile putting my hand on his shoulder. “He’s that kind of Brother.”

Ben nods with those green eyes sharp. He’s so like Cort it’s weird. “I’m glad you’re settled. You’re doing a great job, Alder. I forget it’s new to you.”

Alder nods. “Thanks, Prez Little Ben. Maybe not remember is good to me. No time to me second guess.”

Ben smiles. “It does work like that at times, Brother. A little push is good. Let me know if it’s too much.”

Alder nods again. “I tell. Important to use words. Alpha-Bits deserve best, not...waffle.”

I laugh, that’s a new word he picked up. Ben smiles looking more relaxed. “You’re right. You did great with them. Show me around while Web talks to the new Alpha-Bits. They’re curious about who you ran too.”

Alder looks up at me. “I got this, Brother. Take a walk, relax for a few. We’ll be in the kitchen when you’re done.”

He turns and I bend. I get a hug and kiss his head. “Thanks, Web.”

I bend and thank Aaron, Brody and Eli giving each a hug and kiss. They were waiting behind Ben. “I’m so proud of you, Brothers. I hope leaving here wasn’t scary and you had time for a little fun while you were at the Princes.”

Aaron smiles. “Was good, Web. We do tour bus Newport.”

“That’s good. I love the bus tours. How are our new Brothers doing?”

Brody steps closer and hugs me again. “Scared. I talk. I understand new Brothers scary.”

Eli is nodding. “That’s so good. Thanks, Brody. They’ll understand better now that they’re here. Some time and directions will help. We can do that.”

He nods. “I send to tablet. Information.”

I smile and finish. “Is a key. It will open doors you never knew were there.”

Eli laughs. I mess up his hair. It falls right back in place. “I’m glad you went with the brace. No problems?”

“I good, Web. I Badass.”

Jinx steps closer. “You are, Eli. They were all good. Eli and Brody have Brantley amazed with the shit they do. He knew Aaron already. They’re all in awe of the Little Brothers and can’t wait for the circuit to start up there.”

I stand and look at the new Alpha-Bits looking at their feet. It’s sad to see. Every group is alike. No talk, no eye contact. “Language?”

“Russian, French. No three same,” Eli says.

“Who is Russian?” I ask in Russian. Two look up.

Eli points to four. “My name is Web. I’m so glad Alder and the Brothers found you. We brought you here so you can be safe and live doing whatever you want to do.”

Wolfgang and Wain run up and stop at my side. “Thanks, Brothers. They speak Russian.”

Wolfgang nods and starts talking. He says they’re new too. Aaron smiles. “Good Brothers.”

I nod. “They’re still learning. We can help while they teach and learn.”

Brody is excited. “Hand out they need help. VP Jinx say hold hand out everyone. Teach and learn not easy.”

I kiss his head. “I’m so proud of all you’re learning. Jinx is right. Copyright 2016 - 2024