Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,70

It’s fuckin’ awesome, Alexia. I’m glad Web isn’t throwing rules at you.”

Shaking my head, I tell him, “We have procedures to follow. No rules yet. Web said when we hit something that’s not right, we’ll make a rule. Right now, I use what I know to find, follow and stop what I need to. The objectives don’t have rules either.”

He laughs. “That’s good. Keep doing that. You’re smart enough not to get caught or leave traces. Jason is here. He wants to meet you. We have dinner at Alder’s compound tonight, he can meet you there.”

Oh no. “We were going to the park.”

He nods standing. “That’s after dinner. We’re going. We have Brothers that haven’t seen it.”

I nod watching him leave. Holy moly! Brantley Blackhawk was in my office. I’d tell Web but he’s just like Brantley. He’s the head of all IT here and helps with everything on the east. My life is like a fairytale lately. I’m married to Web! Brantley just left my office! He said I was good too!

I call Télia. She laughs saying I am good and the FBI knew it. I was second to Waite. I calm right away at her words. I was. “How come I didn’t know I was that good?”

“You’re more confident here and see more. Web makes sure you know your value. I was like that. My paintings were in a closet before Garren showed me how to show them to everyone. I didn’t think I was very good and was always embarrassed when someone said it. Now I paint to make me happy and people can buy them or not.”

I smile and shake my head like Web and Garren. “You have more confidence. I’m going to dinner at Alder’s and will show them that I get it. All I can do is say thanks. I’ll do it while looking in their eyes.”

She laughs. “That will do it. Go be Badass. Don’t tell Ford I said that though.”

I laugh and swipe my phone off. I’m not telling Ford anything. Being afraid of everyone did nothing for me as a person. I need to show that I’m learning how to be better. The Prince men aren’t close to the size of the men here. Giants live here. Raid isn’t scary, he’s a funny guy and really good with the kids. Marks isn’t so scary anymore either. I’ve learned some. It’s time to do Badass. Stella isn’t afraid of anyone. The girl has men scared of her. I don’t want to scare people. I can be a nice Stella. She oozes confidence. Télia does too. Holy moly, most everyone does, even the Alpha-Bits. I’m not as small as the Alpha-Bits and they’re Badass.

Akai runs in. “Boss Brantley say good job.”

I smile. “He said it to me too. Thanks for getting me set here to get that good job, Akai. I’m going to be Badass like the Alpha-Bits. Jason is going to be at Alder’s for dinner. I’ll look him in the eye when he talks.”

He shakes his head.

“What? You don’t think I will?” I can do this. I can be Badass like them.

“You look everyone eyes now. You don’t see. Women crazy. I understand. Web crazy good match to you.”

I look at everyone now? “You think Web is crazy?” He married me, that’s a good point for crazy.

“How many Alpha-Bits make crazy? Web have 38 at compound. Crazy. Start nine, now too many.”

I smile. He didn’t put me in as the reason Web is crazy. “That’s a lot. He loves all the Alpha-Bits. It’s more than a hundred now.”

He nods with serious eyes. “Too many, sad. Web take care of all, crazy.”

I nod still smiling. “He has everyone to help.”

“Yeah.” The smile makes him look like a church painting. A boy angel or something. “Vision tonight. All new go.”

“I’m excited to meet all the Alpha-Bits.”

“Alpha-Bits honor to meet you. Web ol’ lady. Special. Love Alpha-Bit like Web. Both crazy.” He laughs running out.

He is cute too. I’m crazy because I love the Alpha-Bits. Now that I’m here and feel so much, I love everyone. Maybe that’s why I’m looking at everyone.

I pull up the tracking and find Web at Alder’s compound. Brantley said they were working later. I hope we don’t have to leave the Vision early. Anton said all the Alpha-Bits would meet me tonight. I can’t wait.



I’m so glad Alder had the dinner here. This is huge. Every high Officer is here from every Club. BSC East with their high Copyright 2016 - 2024