Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,65

boring. I already did the trees and plants.”

“What about a teacher, we have new Alpha-Bits here and coming in tomorrow. The virtual school has real teachers too. You’d be a good foreign language teacher. English isn’t known by all the kids. Some are just learning it now.”

“I could be a teacher?”

I nod. “Alejandro is six and knows five languages. Yeah, Brother, you know every language and can teach it. Dreng and Peter want to learn German. I don’t have time to build another teacher right now.” I could get the As on it if I thought it wouldn’t slow the threat file down. It’s not a priority. This will help that and keep Garren happy.

“I can teach German.”

“Good, the job is yours. Dreng can get you a list. The Bs and Cs from the island and the babies don’t know English. I’ll have Faber get you a list, some new from Sweden don’t know English well. Aaron and Dreng are school shit. Aaron is at Princes so talk to Faber. He types better than he talks.”

“Okay. Hamp! I’m a teacher.”

Ford laughs. He’s got tears in his eyes so I look at Michael while Ford clears his throat. “He’ll need a plan.”

Michael nods. “I help. Faber is good.”

“He is. Let me know if Garren needs me. There’s a teacher here that will help. I’ll send a heads-up so he knows to expect a new schedule.”

“I schedule, class plan.”

I kiss his head. “You’re a good Brother, Michael, Thanks.”

Garren pulls him to the women’s table so he can tell Télia he’s a teacher. I smile watching. “Thanks, Web.”

I turn to Ford. “He’ll be a good teacher. It will last for a while. The Bits like learning new shit. He should do whatever makes him happy. While he’s teaching, he’ll be learning so it will be good for them all. The Brother that keeps the school running here is a teacher that worked with behavioral problems in the middle school. He’s good and the readers approved him.”

“That’s a relief. He’s not a behavior problem but needs someone with patience.”

I shake my head. “Aaron will be who he talks to. Really Brody and Faber. Aaron if there’s a problem. The teacher here monitors and keeps schedules moving. He tracks the kids progress, but everything is handled by the Bits. Most of the Bits are in college classes. They don’t need teacher supervision.”

When he nods, I go on, “Aris and Amal helped Alejandro learn how to connect to the virtual class and got him the tablet and laptop for home. He can do his work from anywhere. The kids like the school because it has the space for the virtual class. At home he’d just have the laptop. Dreng helps kids that aren’t Bits. The virtual school Alejandro is in is a little different from the Bits classes. Regular kids do classwork and have a teacher available twelve hours a day. They aren’t locked into the traditional school hours. Here, the Bits show whenever they want. If they need help, they have virtual professors or come to me or Alder.”

“That’s why he can stay at school later. Télia didn’t get that.”

“He doesn’t have to go every day or he can go on Saturday if he wants. As long as his work is done, he isn’t locked into the full day. I know Stefan goes to the Mason lodge with Tide on Tide’s day off. He always gets his work done and is two years ahead. The kids do projects together with the Little Brothers and Masons so they like the class work.”

Raid nods. “Daniel loves it. He takes a day to meet with Tyson and Stefan every two weeks. They have the news thing they’re doing now so he has some work to keep him busy at night. His schoolwork never suffers. He finishes it without us ever having to ask.”

Ford shakes his head. “That’s impressive and good to know. I’d like to have time with him when I’m here. I miss not seeing him every night.”

“Web can get you hooked up so you can have dinner with them or watch a movie. Taking him out a day a week isn’t going to hurt him. He’s already ahead of his last grade. Let him know you can because he gets his work done and it will always be done. I did it with Daniel so we could ride.” I love Raid.

Ford nods. “I will. I’m glad you explained it. So Garren will be teaching the Bits?”

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