Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,64

with Jeti and the women move to another table. I’m glad when Jordan and Brinks walk through the gate with Teller and Aquyá. Teller is excited. “Nine in four days, Brother. I’m impressed.”

I shake my head no. “It was Alexia with the NIT and a program from LB.”

“I want the NIT details. It’s fuckin’ impressive no matter how it happened. I’m on helping Justice with the leads when I’m down.” No wonder they have so much done. Teller is another IT Brother that is fucking fast as hell.

Jordan explains the dark web then NIT to him. Raid shakes his head. “Cort says you have piles of leads. Are you leaving them to sit while you’re away? Four days will feel like years.”

“No, I’ll work at night while she sleeps. She works at night too. I want her to see the mountains and sights, hang with the Bits and just relax. She’s never been anywhere. It won’t stop her from working at night when I’m sleeping. She’s good with being present, but this is looming over our heads and we feel it.”

Jordan nods. “We all feel it, Brother. IT is going to work no matter where they are. I was working on the ride over. Stella works at night too. Web is right, the being present isn’t hurt by us working when we’re not socializing.”

Raid nods letting it go. “Where’s Cort? I don’t see you without him often.”

“Alder’s. They’re having dinner with Carmen and the Bits there. He likes the little Bs there. The babies are cute too. Aris went with them. I think Falcon is there with Solei and Blanche.”

I smile. “Adeline will be there.”

They laugh. Those two are a little crazy. “Brekan and Harper are watching the babies a day you’re out. They have the nurses. Brekan doesn’t seem to mind.”

I smile at Raid. He already knows. “Brekan wants kids.”

The Brother smiles. He knew. Jordan is surprised. “He hasn’t said anything.”

I shrug. Raid answers, “Kids needing a home make that an easy decision.”

Brinks shakes his head. “Kids. Jinx is on Debra for kids. Are you doing kids?”

I laugh. “Doing kids. Since I have Alpha-Bits, I guess I am. We’re not having kids. With Fragile X any girl carries the gene. Alexia doesn’t want to pass autism to kids. She says it’s too hard to deal with life being different. There’s an 80% chance she’d pass it down. We have kids and the babies if she wants them. I don’t care as long as she’s happy.”

Ford nods. “Télia too. Alejandro is adopted obviously. I can’t have kids. My mother was fucked up. Garren got clipped so it’s never an option for him either.”

I should do that too. I’ll ask Doc. He looks at me. I roll my eyes. “I just thought I’d ask Doc.”

They all laugh. “Don’t do it until the new isn’t so new. It takes about a week to recover. You’ll be moving but not using your equipment for at least a week.”

I nod glad he told me. “It won’t hurt to get the information.” It will never be a stress to Alexia if I have it done.

“Is Alexia on birth control?”

I look at Jordan. “Yeah.”

“Did you just ask her?”


“She wasn’t pissed?”

I look at Brinks, they’re more clueless than I was. “No, Brother. We spent time together doing everything like the list said then we talked. She’s honest in everything so it was easy. She had more questions than I did. You got the list?”

Jordan pulls his phone. “I have files of them for everything.”

I push his phone down and get my list up. “Use this one. It explains from the beginning. She needs information. You do that before you even think about touching her. Stella is asking her mom and Justice’s mom for information tomorrow. Give her the time and start using the list to talk to her. Did you get it, Brinks?”

He pulls his phone and reads. “Yeah. This is easy shit to do. You’re sure she’s not going to be pissed?”

I smile. “Not at all. She’ll probably be relieved. She’s scared. Talk to her. The list helps.”

They nod. Teller smiles at me. ‘They’re afraid to fuck it up. Good job, Web.’

I nod noticing Raid and Ford caught that. Garren and Michael save me. “The D-Ability houses are done. They have the people and don’t need me to do the budget. That’s someone’s job now. We need a new job.”

I nod. He’s not happy. “Michael does four-hour surveillance shifts. Do you want a computer job?”

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