Five Little Words - Jackie Walsh Page 0,68

precious holy water, so he keeps going until the jug is empty. Shay is now screaming.

Eventually, after a little rocking and soothing, my baby stops crying. A few more prayers and then it’s time to go. Conor thanks the priest with a thickly-wedged envelope. When I see him hand it to the priest discreetly, I picture Maggie in the shadow of the same spire, handing an envelope to Vicky.

Outside the church, the sun is breaking through the clouded sky. I cradle my little boy close to me and whisper in his ear that I’m sorry. The poor sweetheart is still sniffling, probably wondering what’s next, is it safe?

‘You’re safe now, baby,’ I say, carrying him to the car.

Noel and Abbie stand waiting to travel back to the house with us. When we pull out of the church grounds Noel jokes about his newly-crowned responsibilities, how he’ll be keeping his eye on us, making sure Shay grows up a fine Catholic.

I laugh along but I’m still wary of Noel, his confidence, his arrogance. I wonder whether Olive will ignore him again. If she does, I might just spark a conversation with her about it. I want to find out what it is she doesn’t like about him. If it’s something to do with Vicky Murphy. It could be important. Maybe that’s why Vicky wanted to speak to Conor. If Noel was having an affair with Vicky, maybe it got messy. Noel is Conor’s best friend and Vicky knew that. I need to get Olive to open up about what she knows.

‘Okay, let the fun begin,’ Conor says, opening the door of the car when we arrive back at the house. Noel takes Shay’s car seat and I flinch, inspecting his every move, making sure he does it correctly. Abbie notices me watching him. When Noel has the car seat safely in his grip, Abbie links my arm like we’re best mates.

‘You look lovely, Laura,’ she says.

‘Thanks, you look lovely too.’ She doesn’t; she looks absolutely fabulous. Abbie is wearing a green pleated skirt and a satin mauve top which clings to her perfectly toned shape. Her hair is a bundle of black shiny curls falling down the back of her head, held in place by a stone-encrusted hair grip. I thought I looked good until I saw her.

Amanda pulls up behind us in her car. She won’t be drinking today; she has to drive back to Dublin tonight. She told me she would be taking the role of godmother very seriously and would be looking after Shay while I attended to the guests and enjoyed a drink. At first I didn’t like the idea, I wanted my amigo by my side, but realising there was no one else I could trust to take care of Shay – Maggie would be too busy – I agreed.

Chapter Forty-Four

The party is in full swing, groups of people standing, sitting, enjoying the canapés and sipping the drink. It’s all a bit tame but I imagine when Conor’s friends from the club arrive it will become a more boisterous affair. Conor said they wouldn’t be here until about three o’clock because there was a match on.

I haven’t had a chance to speak to Conor since arriving back at the house but every now and then he looks over from whoever is hogging his company and smiles. It helps me, re-energises my batteries to keep going. Maggie is bossing some young waitress around as she prepares the buffet, which she says is not to be served until three o’clock. She has the whole thing mapped out and timed. If things go to plan, everyone should be gone by seven. I hope she’s right. I’m enjoying myself as best I can under the strain of thinking somebody here may have sent the card but I can’t wait to sit down with Conor on my own, my Louboutins cast aside, Shay in bed asleep and a glass of red in my hand.

The crowd seem to be enjoying themselves, all dressed up like they’re at a family wedding. Fintan Ryan and his wife Eilish are sitting talking to two other couples at one of Maggie’s hired tables. It’s unlikely to be Fintan or Eilish who sent the card. Especially now that I know Conor paid for the smile Eilish is currently sending my way. I wave back at her before scanning the room for familiar faces. There aren’t many.

Olive and Deirdre are outside the back door where an overflow has Copyright 2016 - 2024