Five Little Words - Jackie Walsh Page 0,69

gathered. The sun is being kind which is just as well. Maggie has invited a lot more people than she let on. But I’m happy to stand here, nodding and smiling, playing the part of the lucky wife in my big castle with close to one hundred people. It’s a far cry from my flat in the city. Ten people in that tiny space and it was jam-packed. And yet, there are times I miss it. Like Friday, when the detectives called. Seeing them in my hallway made me wish I was back in Dublin.

With a drink in my hand, I walk out to the two women. Besides Amanda, who is upstairs feeding Shay, and Conor, who I haven’t caught a glimpse of in a while, Olive and Deirdre are the only other people I have anything in common with. Abbie is always stuck to Noel, hanging off his arm like she doesn’t trust him.

‘Hi,’ I say, arriving at their side. Deirdre clicks her glass against mine.

‘Great party, how did you manage to organise all of this so quickly?’

‘How do you think?’ I say, before swallowing down a great big gulp of wine. I haven’t allowed myself too much up to now. I felt it was important to keep my composure while saying the first hellos to all these nice people.

‘Maggie,’ the two women say together, causing the three of us to break into laughter. We chat for a bit, everyone admiring everyone else’s attire before moving on to talk about the beautiful church ceremony.

‘Shay didn’t find it all that beautiful,’ I say. The girls laugh again. I join in but my attention is drawn to the lack of activity in the forest at the end of the garden. Still no sign of Pat. I wonder if he will show his face.

Maggie is calling everyone’s attention to the buffet which has now opened. A young girl behind the table of delicious-looking food stands ready to dish it out and a queue is beginning to form. I take the opportunity to check in on Amanda who must be bored stiff upstairs. Conor is coming back from the loo as I exit the door.

‘Everything okay?’ he says.

‘Yes, great, your mam is playing a blinder…’

Conor moves towards the crowd who have gathered for the food and I continue upstairs to where Amanda is lying on the bed, reading her phone. She puts her finger to her lips when I enter. ‘He’s asleep,’ she whispers.

‘Great, come on down, the food is being served.’

Amanda pulls herself off the bed and slips into her shoes.

‘Will he be okay?’ she says.

‘Yes, gosh, he can sleep on his own, you know.’

‘But what if he wakes up?’

I point at the monitor beside the cot and pull her by the arm onto the landing. I want her to come downstairs and be with me so I don’t feel like a complete outsider at my own party.

* * *

The younger crowd are arriving when we get downstairs. I notice Amanda’s charm jump up a notch as we welcome them in the door. My attention is focused on their demeanour; does anyone look nervous to meet me? Could one of these people have sent the card? It turns out the seven of them – three couples and one guy – are full of beans, all chat and excited to be here and thanking me for the invitation. I’ve only met one of the couples before, Bruce and Fiona, and they hand me a present before making their way into the kitchen.

Everyone is eating, except me. I picked at a few canapés earlier and now I’m not hungry. I’m anxious, someone in this room may have sent the card. I take a second glass of wine and go over to where Amanda is sitting with Olive and Deirdre who have moved inside, leaving the outdoors to Conor’s mates. Noel and Abbie are standing outside with them. I wonder if that’s why Olive moved. Pushing in beside Amanda, I ask if the food is nice and they all agree it’s gorgeous.

‘Are you not having any?’ Olive says to me.

‘Not yet, I’ll wait for a while.’

I want to mention Noel and I’m wondering how to bring him into the conversation when he walks in through the big glass open door. He glances down at me, smiling, then looks at who I’m with. The smile disappears and he walks on. Olive has seen him but returns her focus to the plate balancing on her lap.

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