Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,94

Gareth eyed William thoughtfully, “…we can help. You’ll have company as you make your way toward the castle. Hopefully you can avoid any more incidents like this until after you get a chance to see the king.”

“Thank you, Gareth.” Mace felt his burden ease. “That would be much appreciated.”

The tavern owner approached once more after having gone off to help some of the wounded villagers. “I have a few rooms and accommodation for your dragons, sirs. Please stay the night with us. I think it would make the entire village feel more secure.”

“We will be happy to stay.” Drake turned his charm on the man. “We’ll need three rooms. One for Sir Gareth, his partner and his lady, one for Wil and one for us.” He pointed from Krysta to Mace and back. “We’d like Wil’s room to be between the other two, if that’s possible.” Drake spoke in low tones so that only the immediate company could hear his plans.

The innkeeper nodded agreeably. “We can arrange that, sir. No trouble at all. Interior room, with no access except from the hall. I know how you knights like your security. I’ll set my girls to fixing the rooms up right away.”

Drake walked off with the tavern owner and Wil and Belora followed slowly after. It was clear the prince was still in a bit of pain and the lady watched over him. Krysta followed as well, shaking her head at how easily Drake charmed the innkeeper.

Mace felt Gareth’s eyes on him. Gareth was older than he and Drake, but Mace had trained with him for a year after being chosen by Nellin, and knew the man well.

“So what’s this? Nellin’s taken a mate?”

“He has. Lady Jenet.”

“But she’s been pining away for some poet for the past decade or more, so they say.”

“You just met him.” Mace started walking toward the inn and Gareth fell in beside him. “Have you ever heard of the bard called Drake of the Five Lands?”

“Who hasn’t? He’s played for every monarch but our own. He’s the most famous of all Jinn bards.”

“He’s also Jenet’s knight partner. Newly chosen and in need of training.” Mace slowed his pace just before they reached the door. “He’s also, I’m sure you saw, a mage of great power, newly discovered. Something called a Firedrake. He can call magical fire at will and it only burns what he wishes it to burn. Go easy on him. This has all happened in the past three days. It’s been a bit of a shock.”

“To you as well as him, if I don’t miss my guess.” Mace fought not to wriggle under Gareth’s scrutiny. “Why are you so easy with this, Mace? How can you partner so easily with a stranger?”

“He’s not a stranger.” Mace felt his heart rise to defend his fighting partner. “We grew up together. He’s Sir Declan’s son.”

Gareth whistled between his teeth. “I heard Dec was so hard on his only boy, the kid ran off.” He looked to the doorway and back to Mace. “Declan is a great knight and he’s mellowed over the years, but he’s always been a ball-buster. I always felt sympathy for his son, though I’d never met the lad, but he’s turned out to be quite a surprise, hasn’t he?”

“You can say that again.” Mace shook his head. “Drake’s taken all life has thrown at him and he always comes out on top. Give him a chance. I know you’ll like him. He’s even more talkative than you are.” Mace said the last with a mocking grin. Gareth was a garrulous sort and though Mace liked him very much, he got along with his fighting partner, Lars, better. Lars spoke even less than Mace did and the two men understood each other well.

“Congratulations on your joining, Mace.” Gareth stopped him with a warm hand on his shoulder. “Once we get Wil to safety, we’ll celebrate it properly.”

“I look forward to it.” Mace led the way into the dark interior of the tavern.

The wounded were given a place in one of the large private parlors that served as a sort of hospital when needed. Princess Belora organized the villagers to patch up folks as best they could, while Drake, Krysta and Mace went off with the men to help the able-bodied villagers set up watches and deal with the aftermath of the day.

After she’d reorganized what was left of the village Guard, Krysta left the warriors to see what she could do inside the Copyright 2016 - 2024