Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,95

inn. She wasn’t much of a healer, but she could wrap a bandage properly. She also set herself the task of watching over Princess Belora and the wounded. If further attack should come, Krysta would be on hand to defend them until help could arrive, if needed.

They spent long hours putting the village back to rights. Many had been injured, but when the princess finally told Krysta to seek her bed because she was swaying on her feet, she went. The dragons had bedded down in the tavern yard where a pool of sand had been set aside for their use. Drake escorted Krysta to the room that had been assigned them. Mace was already there when they entered and stopped short.

Mace lay sprawled on the bed, sitting up against the headboard. In his right hand, he toyed with a small ball of flame as if it were nothing out of the ordinary. His usual stoic expression was replaced by curiosity as he regarded the fire bouncing merrily in his palm.

“Sweet Mother!” Drake swore.

The flame winked out as Mace closed his fist.

“How can this be?” Krysta asked, astonished.

Mace stood. “I have no idea, but…” he paused, clearly uncomfortable with his thoughts, “…when I walked into the fire, I felt something…” Again he trailed off as his thoughts jumbled. “I felt something open up between us. And between me and the fire. It’s there now. I can feel it deep within me, very near the place Nellin and I share in our souls. It comes when I call and it leaves when I close the connection.”

“It’s like a river of fire beneath your feet, only it’s not one of substance, but of pure energy.” Drake moved into the room. “Isn’t it?”

“That’s a good way of putting it. But this isn’t my power, Drake. I’ve had some time to think about it. The only reason it’s accessible is because of you. It exists in the same place in my soul that’s joined now to you, through Krysta and then to Jenet. It’s a convoluted path, but it’s open now, as it’s never been before. I think the only reason I can use this power of yours,” he emphasized the last word, “is because we’re bonded partners now.”

“But that’s great!” Krysta started forward, hugging him. “Isn’t it?” She pulled back, enthusiasm gripping her. “I mean, that makes two Firedrakes instead of just one. Think of the tactical advantage if you can both work the fire magic. If today was any demonstration, it’s formidable. Especially against skiths. It worked even faster than dragon fire and it didn’t harm the surrounding area.”

“She’s got a point.” Drake leaned back, watching them both.

“And if you can show your father how to access his fire,” Krysta went on, addressing Drake. “He might possibly be able to share it with Sir Ren and then there will be four of you. We can use every weapon we can get if all these portents are to be believed. This is a good thing.”

“If you say so.” Mace still looked uncertain.

Chapter Nineteen

Gareth and Lars, along with Belora, Kelvan and his mate, Rohtina, escorted them back to the castle. It was quite an honor guard for one black dragon and a newly joined family. Word spread quickly, and Drake wasn’t surprised to find a crowd gathered on the landing platform when they arrived. Jenet and Nellin landed first, making way for Wil between them. They weren’t taking any chances with his safety. They all knew what a shock it would be for his family to find him so changed.

Drake helped Krysta down from Jenet’s back and Mace met them, flanking her other side as they faced Roland. The king was understandably confused.

Drake bowed. “My liege, we found your brother, but he’s a bit…” Even the golden-tongued bard was at a loss for words, it seemed.

“I’m older than they expected.” Wil’s voice carried from behind the trio. Drake moved aside to allow William—now clad in black fighting leathers—to walk forward and face his brother. William didn’t bow, but he did nod his head in respect to his king, his brother. “I know it’s shocking, but for me, five years have passed, while for you it’s been five days.”

“How in the world…?” Roland looked to Mace for an explanation. Mace was the steadiest of the lot and stepped forward, making his bow as well.

“We traveled to Gryphon Isle and met the wizard Gryffid.” The dragons who gathered all around hushed, as did their knights. “He Copyright 2016 - 2024