Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,93

was carrying two—a knight and a lady. The lady approached quickly.

“I’m Belora.” Her green eyes were curious as she regarded the prince.

“I’m William.”

“William! But you’re…” She trailed off, seemingly at a loss for words.

“He’s hurt, is what he is.” Krysta stepped forward. “I know it seems strange and we can answer all your questions later, but he really is Wil. Ask the dragons if you don’t believe us.”

Belora cocked her head to the side as if in thought. A moment later she strode forward, placing her hands on William’s shoulder.

“I don’t understand any of this, but I can help. Turn around now and let me see to your wound.”

Mace watched yet another flagrant display of magic as the young woman—famous throughout Draconia for being one of the lost princesses of the House of Kent—laid delicate hands on Wil’s injured shoulder. Within moments, the wound began to knit as her special brand of magic took form. Mace could actually feel it.

Something was different now. He’d seen skilled healers do their work before. In fact, he’d witnessed both Queen Alania and Princess Arikia heal dragons and knights alike in the Castle Lair, but he’d never felt this tingle of magic before. He’d seen Princess Belora from afar as she visited her sisters, but he’d never spoken to the youngest of Adora’s daughters.

The innkeeper stood back, watching with just a bit of awe on his round face. Villagers began the grisly business of cleaning up and trying to recover, all the while, the small woman worked healing magic on William’s deep wound.

“We all heard your distress call. We came as fast as we could. I knew a dragon was in trouble so I made Lars take me along.” Belora spoke soothingly as she worked her healing.

“Thank you, cousin. I know this seems odd to you, but I really am William. I’m just a little older than you expect. To you, I’ve only been gone about five days, but to me, it’s been just over five years.”

“I don’t understand it, but Kelvan is sure to be getting the story out of your dragon friends as we speak. He doesn’t like me to say it, but he’s a terrible gossip,” she teased, even as Wil winced. She had to manipulate his arm in order to reach the deepest part of the wound and was talking, Mace noted, to help distract Wil from the pain. “Who are your companions, Wil? Shall I guess?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “We were told a minstrel named Drake and a Guardsman had taken off with Jenet, Nellin and Sir Mace.”

“I’m Drake.” He nodded wearily. “Did Ren and Lilla make it to the Border Lair safely? Are they well?”

“They are doing better each day, though it was a close thing. So you’re the minstrel? Funny, I could have sworn I saw you throwing fireballs. I’d have said you were some kind of mage.” She winked, smiling as she moved Wil’s arm again. He was in less pain now, Mace could tell from Wil’s expression. The princess was truly gifted. “And I suppose you’re Sir Mace. I don’t think we’ve ever met officially though Kelvan talks about his friend Nellin from time to time and I met Jenet when I was at the castle last.”

Mace nodded politely. “I’m glad to meet you, Princess Belora. Thank you and your mates for coming to our assistance.”

“Towns up and down the border have been having trouble the past few days. We’ve been on even higher alert than usual.”

Sir Gareth walked into the tavern yard at that moment and headed straight for Mace. They shook hands in the warrior way and exchanged grim expressions as he looked at the carnage all around.

“My lady is right,” he said to the group. “Something’s stirred up the skiths and King Lucan’s soldiers these past few days. My bet is, you’re the reason.”

“You’d win that bet, Gareth.” Mace nodded grimly.

“We had intelligence even before Wil was snatched that Lucan is after one of the younger princes. He must have heard about Wil’s abduction.” Drake stepped forward to meet the knight.

“It’s been the talk of the land,” Gareth agreed.

“I have to get back to the castle,” Wil said as Belora finished up. “Thank you, cousin.”

“You should rest for the night at least,” Belora admonished him. “It will you do no good to reinjure the wound I’ve just managed to heal.”

“We’d planned to stay the night in this town anyway,” Mace added.

“Now that we know what’s stirred the hornet’s nest…” Copyright 2016 - 2024