Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,64

point only the gryphons knew.

“I hope this isn’t some kind of trap,” Mace said in the privacy of their joined minds.

“Gryphons are noble creatures. I don’t think we’re in any trouble trusting them, but keep your eyes open.” Drake held Krysta in his arms this morning as she flew with him for the first time.

After an hour of flying, Drake realized the dragons were having a hard time of it. The air had thickened with magic that swirled in a miasma of color and shadow around them.

“What is this?” Krysta asked hesitantly.

“Magic,” Herorthor replied. “The remnants of powerful time magic, to be precise. We cross over into the island’s realm now. Brace yourselves.”

The entire party felt a jolt as the air currents changed suddenly. A moment ago it had been early morning. Judging by the sun’s position, it was now early evening. The red sun sank on the horizon as the cloud of magic cleared. The island rose in the distance, tall spires of rock and sandy beach. The dragons surged forward with a last effort to reach land, though all the riders knew they were tired.

They landed minutes later, and the humans dismounted quickly to give the dragons a break. Whatever they had flown through had taken all their strength and concentration. Jenet and Nellin were both panting as they sat back on their haunches.

A tall figure awaited them on the beach. He was dressed in black leather, his stance welcoming and his green eyes sparkling in the late sun.

“Jenet!” The young man strode forward to meet them, all smiles. “Don’t you recognize me?”

“We’ve come for Prince William.” Drake said carefully, his suspicion rising. The man walked confidently and he looked eerily like Roland had as a man at the brink of full adulthood. The swagger was the same, the hair, the build of a warrior and those royal green eyes.

“I am William.” The stranger stopped right in front of Jenet, seeking her out. “Don’t you know me, milady? I know it’s been a few years, but I can’t have changed that much.”

“Years?” Krysta asked. “The prince was kidnapped only days ago. We’ve been on his trail since the morning after his abduction.”

“Are the others all right? Declan and Ren wouldn’t let me go without a fight, bless their hearts.” The familiar green eyes clouded with concern. “Arlis and Lilla were hurt too, I remember, but Gryffid assured me they survived.”

“We do not know their fate, but Arlis and my father made it back to the castle to raise the alarm,” Drake said. “They very nearly didn’t make it and when I left, they were both still confined to their quarters and would be for many days.”

“Your father?” The man switched his attention to Drake, surveying him with narrowed eyes. “Then you’re Drake. You finally came back for Jenet? That’s really great.” A smile creased his face and a dimple appeared that made the younger man look just like Nico had at that age. Drake suspected the magic of the island had done something to the boy who was now a man.

“Jenet, my love, is this William?”

Jenet was suspiciously silent as she reached down to lick the man’s cheek. Dragons often had the taste and scent of other dragons they knew. Being of the royal line, William was half-dragon, so if this strange young man was indeed the missing prince, Jenet would be able to say for certain.

Jenet retracted her tongue, blinking slowly as she considered. Shock didn’t show well on draconic faces, but Drake knew every facet of her behavior. She was surprised.

“William? How can this be?” Jenet lowered her head to eye the man who somehow was the object of their quest. He reached up familiarly and rubbed her eye ridges, causing Drake to start in surprise. No one touched a dragon they did not know unless invited, yet this man seemed to know just what Jenet liked, and she did not object.

“It’s been five long years since I’ve seen you, milady. I’ve missed you.”

Drake was even more surprised when the man threw his arms around Jenet’s neck and hugged her close. That she allowed such treatment spoke volumes about her certainty that this was indeed the prince they had been searching for.

“I don’t understand this,” Krysta said.

“Ah, but you will. In good time.” A strange voice interrupted and everyone looked up to see a tall man in a long coat standing on the rise of a sand dune, watching them. His voice carried on the evening Copyright 2016 - 2024