Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,65

wind, resonating through the air.

“Who are you?” Krysta moved in front, her curious nature warring with her upset at these strange circumstances. Drake could see the telltale tapping of her fingers against her thigh. She was uncomfortable with these developments—as were they all, if truth be told.

“Gryffid, please save the dramatics,” the older version of William said with a sigh. “They are probably very tired after their journey.”

The other man nodded. “No doubt you are right. Come, let us repair to the hall. We’ll have refreshment and explanations there.”

This was not quite the reception they had expected. Drake looked around and realized the gryphons had winged off elsewhere, leaving just the party from Draconia with these two strange men. The one on the dune turned abruptly and disappeared from sight behind the hill. The other man stepped away from Jenet and followed after, waving to them to catch up.

“What do you think?” Drake silently asked all four of his companions as they started after the two men.

“I think very strange magic is afoot on this island,” Mace said with suspicion lacing his tone. “We should be cautious.”

“Undoubtedly,” Drake agreed. “But do you think that young man could really be Prince William?”

“It is William. Or at least, it tastes like Wil,” Jenet said with confusion.

“His scent is that of Prince William,” Nellin put in, “and he has the looks of his brothers, and the power. That man is half-dragon. Of that I have little doubt.”

They crested the dune and saw a lovely old manor house, complete with a large, enclosed courtyard, outbuildings for animals and workers, what looked to be a garrison, and a very large tower rising from the main building. It was lovely, in a very eclectic sort of way, and it looked almost ancient in design, though very well preserved.

“That looks like a wizard’s keep.” Krysta spoke the thought that passed through all of their minds.

“Very good,” came a strange voice, strong in all of their minds. “It is, in fact, my keep.”

“That man!” Krysta held her head, outraged at the intrusion. “A wizard?”

Drake thought about it. “I see little other plausible explanation.”

“But they’re all dead!” Krysta whispered emphatically.

“Or exiled,” the man’s voice came to them again, making it clear he could listen in on any sort of conversation they might have while in his domain. That was just unnatural. Nobody had skills like that…unless…

“William called him Gryffid,” Mace reminded them in his quiet way.

“Sweet Mother of All!” Krysta kept moving, but her face was a mirror of shock. “The wizard Gryffid created the gryphons.”

“And what better place for me to live than Gryphon Isle? Be at ease, my new friends. My days of warring are over. At least for the moment.”

They followed in silence, both weary from the journey and unwilling to let even more of their conversation be overheard. So far, Drake thought, the wizard—if he were to be believed—didn’t seem hostile. Drake would wait and see.

He made note of every facet of his surroundings as they made their way to the hall. He saw his companions doing the same, looking around at the ancient stone battlements and observing the signs of gryphons everywhere.

The place was teeming with them. Drake could count dozens in the distance, flying here and there around other parts of the large, rocky island. Several watched their progress from the rooftops and spires of the keep, their piercing eyes following the party’s every move. Jenet’s wings twitched in agitation and Drake put a steadying hand on her shoulder as he walked beside her.

Dragons and gryphons were well matched since their magic mostly cancelled each other out. Outnumbered as they were, the dragons were definitely at a disadvantage here, should these creatures turn hostile.

Jenet stopped just before the doorway when William paused.

“Do you not go in?” she asked him directly.

The man purported to be William shook his head. “I have a bit more to do outdoors while Gryffid explains everything.”

“Then may I stay with you?” she asked, her tone both confused and hopeful. It hurt Drake’s heart to hear her uncertainty. She loved William like a son—or perhaps a little brother. If this man was really the William she had lost only days before, Drake could understand her dismay.

Gryffid motioned offhandedly. “Certainly, stay and satisfy yourself that he is indeed William. I know this is a lot to take in all at once. For you, only a few days have passed.”

“Do you mind, Drake?” Jenet blinked hopeful eyes at him.

“Of course not, sweetheart.” Copyright 2016 - 2024