Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,63

the light of their love, visible to all as they winged wearily away from near catastrophe.

On the sandy beach, the human side of the family was feeling much the same.

Chapter Thirteen

Drake woke first the next morning, just as the pearly light of dawn rose over the ocean. He had the feeling that all was right with the world. Krysta was snuggled against him, between him and Mace. Jenet slept at his back, her neck entwined with Nellin’s, and his heart felt full for the first time in many, many years.

But all was not really as it should be. There was a prince still to find and a nest of gryphons to figure out. Drake worked on the problem as he basked in the last few minutes of laziness before they would have to start another tough day on the trail, chasing after Prince Wil. Perhaps today they would find him and put an end to their quest. Or perhaps their dealings with gryphons would only bring more questions. Regardless, he would face the day a happy man. He had a mate whom he loved and who loved him in return, and he had a dragon partner of his very own. A childhood dream had been realized, though he still didn’t feel worthy.

“Pish.” Jenet’s voice sounded through his mind, mocking him, but gently. “You are the only knight for me. You always were, Drake.”

“I ruined you when we were little, sweetheart. That’s all. If we hadn’t been raised together, you would see my flaws as clearly as everyone else does. But I won’t say I’m not thrilled to have you in my life, Jen. I love you more than just about anything. You’ve always been the sister of my heart.”

“And now you have a beautiful, smart, talented wife. All because of me.” She preened, giving a smoky chuckle. “You should listen to me more often, Drake. Things always work out for the best when you listen to me.”

He sighed dramatically, falling in with her teasing. “I should’ve learned that lesson when we were children, but you may have noticed, I take after my stubborn father.”

Krysta turned in his arms, her eyes cracking open as she squinted against the faint light.

“Good morrow, my love.” Drake leaned in to peck her cheek.

“Then it wasn’t all a dream?” A teasing light entered her eyes.

“Afraid not.” Drake’s thoughts turned solemn. “Do you regret tying your life to two men—and two dragons?”

“I could never regret the dragons,” she answered. “The jury is still out on the men. I’ll let you know.” She jumped away when he would have grabbed her and confounded him by running into the surf. Apparently she liked to play. Drake was glad of it. With his disposition, he preferred laughter in all things. That he’d married a woman who could see the joy in life was a boon to his spirit. He’d have to work on Mace though. The man had always been a little too serious, even as a boy, but they’d always gotten along. Mace had hidden depths and a wry sense of humor. It would be up to Drake and Krysta to help bring it out more often.

Drake prodded Mace’s shoulder, waking him. “Our wife seems to be part mermaid,” he observed, directing Mace’s sleepy eyes to the ocean where Krysta was swimming like fish in the dewy morning light. Her slick body looked beautiful in the pinkness of dawn, sleek and wet, cutting gracefully across the waves. Mace sat up, rubbing his chin as he watched her.

Drake stood. “I’m going in. You coming?”

“I’m not much of a swimmer,” Mace admitted, looking away from Krysta to shrug at Drake.

“Don’t worry. After a few minutes, we won’t be swimming.” Drake’s devilish grin communicated more than his words.

After a very pleasurable “swim”, the trio dressed and ate a skimpy breakfast. The sun was strong in the eastern sky when Drake called the gryphons’ names. It was time to find Wil.

Feathery wings made rustling sounds as the gryphons flew into view a few minutes later. They landed with their padded back feet first, then sat, perched upright.

“It iss good to ssee you all sso happy. Congratulationss on your joining,” Herorthor said.

“Thank you,” Drake answered. “We are ready to see our prince. Will you take us to him?”

“We will,” Llydiss replied. “Follow uss.”

The gryphons took to the air and waited, circling, while they mounted and the dragons leapt into the sky after them. They set out across the ocean, making for some distant Copyright 2016 - 2024