Finding The Lost Mystic Islan - Liberty Parker Page 0,41

to the phone, I plan to call Shyla. If anyone can pull off a party of this magnitude, it’d be her. Dooly grabs my hand before I can punch in the numbers.

His mouth opens and closes a few times before Glorianna shifts his attention from me to her. She gently places a hand on his forearm and gives him a blinding smile. “I think that’s a superb idea, Dooly. It would draw the rogues out of the darkness and give us an opportunity to catch them red-handed. You know they won’t be able to resist. We need them to drop their guard and make a mistake.”

“This is not a red-herring operation, Glorianna.” He lets out a whoosh of air as he takes in our faces and recognizes our determination. We aren’t going to be swayed on this one. It’s the perfect plan. What could go wrong? He then points his finger in my direction before informing me, “You, little lady, get to tell your mate about these plans of yours.” He shakes his head a couple more times before slapping his hands on his thighs and walking out the front door.

“Men,” Glorianna states with a shake of her own head. “You know what they say, you can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them. Shame, I’ll just have to make him compliant later.”

“Yuck. Not fair, Glorianna, I think I just threw up in my mouth. Gross.” My body involuntarily shudders. I’ve known this woman my entire life. She’s acted like a second mother to a lot of us, so the thoughts of her doing the horizontal mambo isn’t a vision I want flowing through my mind. I don’t know her as well as the others, but it’s well enough that these images need to be cleared from my mind.


I’m walking around the cell that held Echo. How did he manage to escape? There’s no leftover debris from an essence that is usually floating through the air from the break of atmosphere, so he didn’t use a veil in order to escape. This only leaves one scenario that could have been played out, one I don’t want to admit to myself, but it’s like a hearty slap to the face. “I have a traitor in my midst.” I continue to pace, my mind going through the list of people that could have had access to my prisoner.

Notty? No way, I’ve known him for years, and he’s as loyal as they come. Not easily swayed so I can mark his name off.

Dooly? Nope, I don’t buy it. He’s been at either my house or his. He hasn’t used his badge to gain entrance to the precinct in a few days. “Dammit, I need to check badges to see who’s gained entry into the cells.” I mentally mark Dooly off as I march my way back to my office. People scatter as I make my way through. There are a few gawkers, but not many stick around the area. The scurrying activity should have me chuckling, instead it brings a frown to my face. Are they running because they fear I’m going to point a finger in one of their directions? Well, they can run, but they can’t fucking hide forever. I will track down the traitor and dole out appropriate punishment. I have the rights as sheriff and a council member to decapitate them if I find them guilty of traitorous crimes.

When I breach the entrance of my office, I slam the door behind me. Plopping down in my desk chair, the letter is sitting there, staring me in the face. A clue to Echo’s disappearance, I’m sure of it, but I can’t decipher it to know what trail to follow up with.

Sighing with irritation, I boot up my computer and wait for it to fully load. The letter on the edge of my desk continues to taunt me as I stare at it, hoping some magical definition will suddenly appear upon it. That is until the sound of a ping to the opening page of my desktop gathers my attention. It’s loaded and blinking on the screen where I enter my login and password. My fingers fly on the keyboard as I enter my personal information.

“Login failed!” I roar out as the bold lettering declining my entrance stands out on the screen. “Gaia!” I holler out, knowing with her superb hearing she’ll be making her way into my office shortly. I try again, but once more, my access is Copyright 2016 - 2024