Finding The Lost Mystic Islan - Liberty Parker Page 0,40

heels. “Uh, yeah.” I clear my throat. “Yes, he did. And while I appreciate your effort, how about we save any pertinent details or information that’s mine, for me, and me alone? This case already has too many hands touching the cookie jar. The less that’s known, the more airtight it is.”

“My apologies.” She folds her arms over her chest. “Wasn’t aware we weren’t already airtight, or whatever you said.”

“Gaia, look, you’re wonderful and my most trusted and irreplaceable sidekick here. Please don’t be offended. This isn’t about not trusting you or Dooly necessarily. It’s about finding the person or persons responsible, and the quicker the better now that—”

“You have a mate and child?” she interjects, halting my explanation.

“Yes, and one day you will too, and you will understand on a different scale. This is for the good and safety of all, including your own future. So, again, I ask that you don’t take any of this personally.”

After a brief moment of silence from her as I watch her digest my words, she replies, “I suppose you’re right, Sheriff. I think I’m just as exhausted with this as you are. This has been going on far too long. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll be at my desk,” she finishes before leaving my office and pulling the door closed behind her.

My senses become heightened as I visually scan the package, and I can feel my snout extend as it sniffs the contents. “Paper?” It literally smells like an old, dusty, piece of paper. Carefully, I open the package and find a lone piece of paper written in a language I cannot understand. “That’s it?” I question aloud as I hold it up to the sunlight peeking through the blinds in my office. I don’t know if I should feel elated or frustrated. Is this a clue, or a threat? I need to find someone who can read this language, and fast. Rushing to my office door hoping that Gaia will either know, or have a source that will, I pull it open only to find her staring back at me with wide eyes and pale. “Gaia, what is it? Are you okay? Talk to me.”

She shakes her head as her brow furrows and a look of fright covers her face. “H-He’s gone, Sheriff. Echo is gone.”



My eyes scan back and forth between Glorianna and Dooly. I swear they’re sharing an intimate look with one another, yet, when they see me looking at them, they quickly shift their attention elsewhere. I narrow my eyes at Dooly as he once again shifts his gaze toward my direction. I’ve had just about enough of the cloak-and-dagger act. “What’s going on here?” I ask, planting my clenched fists on my hips. “What are the two of you up to?”

“What is it you think we’re up to, dear?” Glorianna dismissively asks me.

My head swivels to where I’m now glaring at her instead of Dooly. “I wasn’t born yesterday, Glorianna. I see the looks you two are sending one another. You’re either having hanky-panky in bed or you’re playing the stare off game.” When my words are out, the only sounds you can hear are the babies cooing and the crickets chirping. They shyly look at each other and then it hits me. “You two are burning the midnight oil, aren’t you? Oh my God! You’re setting the sheets on fire!”

“Keep your voice down,” Glorianna hisses as she begins looking around the house for an interloper. “We aren’t ready to share the news. We discussed it and decided to keep our mating on the downlow until these rogues have been captured and punished.”

“But why?” I ask her confused. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t want to shout this from the rooftops in town. “Matings should be celebrated, Glorianna. You and Dooly should be proud and honored to have found your other half.”

“And that’s the problem,” Dooly inserts with a shake of his head. “If everyone’s attention is on the new matings, then no one will be looking for the villains. Our news can wait, for now.”

“Your intentions are good, Dooly, but I don’t agree. I think the distraction may be what’s needed to catch the bad guys.” My mind begins to wander as plans begin to form. “We should have a mating party. Invite everyone on the island.”

“You want to draw them out, using my mate?” Dooly angrily questions my proposal.

“That’s exactly what I’m saying, minus the using your mate per se.” Rushing over Copyright 2016 - 2024