Finding The Lost Mystic Islan - Liberty Parker Page 0,39

fed her morning bottle. I know how she can eat, so I’ve set the stuff aside, and it’s ready to go for her next feeding.”

“Yes, I can see. Thank you.” I acknowledge my appreciation as I approach him and plant my lips on his. “You are the most wonderful mate a snow leopard could’ve asked for.” I notice a faint blush creep up his neck and land in his cheeks. “Why, Trigger, have I embarrassed you?” I tease.

“Absolutely not,” he chides. “You should probably have your morning coffee and um, might want to think about combing those locks of yours. You’re taking bedhead to a whole new level.” I can feel the heat from my own embarrassment crawl up my flesh as it becomes warm. “I’m only teasing you, kitten. You know that. Now, go on and ready yourself for the day. I need to finish here so I can get myself to the precinct. Might be a longer than usual day, but don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of company here to keep you and Em safe.” He pats the top of my head and my leopard purrs.

Oh, calm down. We’ve been going at it like rabbits.

Placing Emmaline in the playpen that we have for her, I briefly watch her eyes scan the toys in amazement, which draws out a smile on my face. “Mommy’s going to grab a cup of coffee and a quick bite of breakfast but I’ll still be able to see you,” I tell her and as she gazes up at me when I speak. I feel nothing but the love radiating from her to me.

“Well, I can’t imagine why neither Glorianna nor Dooly are answering their phones,” Trigger states, with heavy concern thickly lacing each word.

“Or mine,” I rebut, with the same curiosity.

“I don’t have a good feeling about this, Vaughn,” Shyla inserts, pulling Scar closer into her body.

“Here we are! Turn those frowns upside down. There was some unexpected traffic on the way and I nearly got into an accident trying to locate my phone. Figured it was fastest to just keep going until I got here,” Glorianna announces as she barges through the front door with Dooly close behind.


“Are you out of your mind?” I grab Dooly by his vest. “With everything going on right now, what’s your excuse?”

“Trigger,” Vaughn’s voice calls to me and I look to her. “Not here, huh?” She looks at the babies and back at me.

“Outside,” I order Dooly, and all but drag him to the front porch. “What in the hell is your excuse as one of my deputies as to why you don’t have your phone on you?”

I can hear his heartbeat increase as tiny beads of sweat form on his face. “I-I dropped it and it shattered as I was entering my cruiser this morning. Ran back in, called the station and Gaia is having a new one sent here straight away. You can even ask her.” My grip around his vest loosens, but still I find his nervousness suspicious. “You could’ve gone to your own cruiser and hit me up on the radio.”

He’s right, I suppose I could’ve, but I didn’t. At that moment I thought I was thinking logically, but I in fact, did not exhaust all resources. “You’re right, I could have, and although there should never be a next time, I will keep that in mind. However, don’t forget who you’re speaking to next time. Never question my authority. Are we clear?”

He nods. “Gaia said to tell you that Echo was requesting to speak with you. She also said something about a package at the station addressed to you.”

I have got to get my composure back, especially before I sit down again face-to-face with Echo. A package? Who in the world would send me a package? “Okay,” I calmly answer. “Please understand that as this is no excuse, but I’m under an enormous amount of pressure to find and capture the ones responsible for this madness.” I run my hands through my hair. “It’s become even more personal now that I have a family of my own. I’m sure you’ll understand one day.” I pat his chest before going inside and telling my girls bye for the day.

“Morning, Sheriff,” Gaia greets me enthusiastically while handing me a mug of coffee. “Did Dooly get my messages to you?” She follows me into my office where I notice the small package on my desk.

Stopping, I turn to her and she halts on her Copyright 2016 - 2024