Finding The Lost Mystic Islan - Liberty Parker Page 0,38

I be able to catch these damn rogues before they harm too many more innocents? This conversation, these questions, are going back and forth between my bear and myself. I will not let any harm come to my newfound family. That is a promised vow I make to myself as well as to my bear. Making it over to my truck where I have spare clothes stored for times like this, I grab my black hoodie and sweats before shifting back to human form. I chuckle when the thought hits me that one of the neighbors could witness me in my birthday suit. As if it matters, most of this island is inhabited by shifters so nudity isn’t anything new to us or anything that we feel shame over. But, not all of the supernatural community enjoys a peep show.

The elderly witches and Faes love to taunt and embarrass us by zapping us on our bare asses. A smile spreads across my face as I remember the story that Dooly shared with me the first time he was spotted by one of the residents who did just that… zapped him before sharing that in her day, men were men and made sure only their women saw their bare asses.

He’ll never live that down at the precinct. As a matter of fact, the guys played a joke on him and hid his clothes. That’s how we should be—living our lives, full of jokes and laughter, enjoying each other’s company, not seeking out those filled with evil intent.

Quickly dressing, I go inside to check on my camera feed and make sure everything is in working order.



As the sun peeks through the blinds, my eyes begin to flutter open. The harmonic tone of Trigger’s humming can be heard coming from the bathroom. As I feel a grin begin to take hold on my face, my eyes wander over to Emmaline’s bassinet. Shooting straight up from the bed, my heart begins to pound heavily within the walls of my chest. Racing over to where she sleeps, I move the blanket around frantically as if she’s going to magically appear.

“And, there she is.” Trigger’s soothing voice catches my attention yet again causing me to turn around.

Clutching my chest, I sigh out in deep relief when I see Emmaline in his arms. Hastily, I make my way to them both, kissing my man, my mate on his shaving-cream-stained lips before realizing it. As I wipe my lips with the backside of my hand, he scoffs at my gesture. Reaching into his arms, I retrieve our girl and as she nestles herself comfortably in one arm, I look up at him. “Oh, don’t take it personally.” Mimicking a man playing with his beard, I say, “I’ve recently shaved, so I’m smooth as a daisy is all.” His eyes grow wide and I gently bat his chest. “Oh, stop. I am only playing. But, you did give me quite a scare when I didn’t see Emmaline in her bed.”

Taking the hand towel from over his shoulder, he wipes his freshly shaven face. “You were sleeping so peacefully and I know it’s something you’ve been struggling with for a while now. So, she and I thought we’d let you sleep in on your first day at home.” He leans down and softly kisses her forehead and then mine. “Glorianna will be here shortly as will Shyla to drop off Scar.”

A small dose of panic begins to settle in. Today will be my first day at home and I’m already failing. It’s seven in the morning and there’s no coffee made, nor is there any breakfast ready. With my free hand, I reach to the top of my head and can feel the mess otherwise known as my hair right now. With our daughter in tow, I nearly sprint into the kitchen where the aroma of coffee and a freshly made breakfast await me. “What in the Mystic Island?” I stop as I observe the things that are already prepared and ready for me and Em.

Turning my head over my shoulder, I see Trigger standing in the frame of the door as he props himself against it. “Just thought you deserved something else to not have to worry about on your first day here as you get into the new groove of things.” A grin curls upward on his face and in this moment, I couldn’t possibly love this man any more. “She’s already had her diaper changed and been Copyright 2016 - 2024