Finding The Lost Mystic Islan - Liberty Parker Page 0,42

denied. Someone’s been fucking with my access and this causes my temper to soar. My vision becomes hazy as I punch out my fist. I hear a crack of wood and look down. The desk has a crack from one end to the other. Quickly thinking, I grab the monitor before the table gives way at the split in the wood. It falls in the middle, each side holding the other up.

“Sheriff!” Gaia gasps as she enters the room. “What in the world has you throwing a fit and taking it out on that poor desk?” I know that anything made from the earth means a lot to her kind, but her question ramps me up, as if she doesn’t know what started this temper of mine to leak from me.

“What has me throwing a fit?” quietly exits my lips. “We have an escapee, someone we need answers from, my password and identification aren’t working to sign into our site. What do you think is wrong with me?” My chest is heaving as anger takes root in my gut.

“I’m sorry, Sheriff. I just hate to see the tree who sacrificed its life for this desk to be destroyed. I too had issues logging in this morning. I had to call our IT department. They had to reset my computer, and I had to get a new password.”

“Something fishy is going on here, Gaia. And I will get to the bottom of it,” I declare as I somewhat begin to settle down. “Can you get with the techie and get me logged back in, please?” I feel bad for hollering at her earlier. I shouldn’t have. I should’ve been the leader my position decrees that I be.

“I’ll get right on that, Sheriff,” she quickly says. I can feel how anxious she is to leave the room and get as far away from me as she possibly can.

Before she can leave the room, I request, “Gaia, can you also get me linked to the security footage? I want to see everyone that came in and left during the hours I wasn’t present.”

“Already on it,” she responds as she makes her way through the doorjamb. My door quietly shuts as my phone begins to ring. For the first time since I arrived this morning, a smile graces my face.

Vaughn. She must’ve sensed I needed to hear her melodic voice.



“How is my mate doing?” I ask, pushing my aggravation to the back of my mind for the time being. I can’t do anything about the login information until Gaia gets tech support here, and Echo’s escape because that’s what it was, has to be investigated. That’s something she doesn’t need to know about just yet because right now, I’m not sure how safe it is to talk in my own damn office. Plus, the shit that happened with the shadow outside our house is playing in my head. Too many weird things are happening for it to be a coincidence.

“You sound stressed, Trigger,” she replies. Despite the shit storm of things swirling in my head, just her voice has me calming down. I know we’ll figure out what the hell is going on because I’ve got a good team I do trust that’ll help me ferret out the traitor or traitors.

Since I’m waiting on Gaia, I figure I’ll talk to my woman for a few minutes. Over the years, I’ve found that sometimes, doing something different can provide me with the solution to a problem. It’s like my brain keeps working in the background while I focus on another task. “Nothing for you to worry your beautiful head about,” I tell her.

“So that wasn’t you giving me shit about my bedhead this morning?” she teases.

“Even messy and all over the place, you’re still beautiful, Vaughn.”

“Thank you for that, Trigger. I’m sure there are going to be mornings when I look rough, especially with a baby in the house.”

“I’m sure there will be but I’ll be by your side. Anyhow, I’m positive you didn’t call to discuss your hair. Is everything okay at the house?” My gut churns as I worry about that shadow reappearing. Hopefully, with Glorianna there, anything with harm on its mind will stay away since the Fae wield strong abilities. I know she won’t hesitate to use them to protect my mate and daughter, nor will Dooly allow anything or anyone to trespass.

“Everything’s fine, my growly grizzly. We had an idea, though, and wanted to run it by you.”

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