Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,83

once again before he unlocked the door and left me standing there.

My heart was pounding in my chest, my knees still shaking, and when he was out of sight, I finally took a deep breath to come back down to earth.

He didn’t leave me standing there feeling empty, though my mind still needed time to get back to how it was before.

I couldn’t think straight, but I did know one thing…

Riggs is my man, and I would fight for us against no matter who’d stand in our way.

Riggs had made a quick escape after leaving my room last night, because when I walked downstairs into the kitchen the next morning, Dad asked me if he had said goodbye to me.

He must’ve left without showing his face again after our time together.

Della was standing by the stove, cooking some eggs and bacon while Dad and I waited, me tapping my fingers on the counter and trying my best not to make things awkward.

Clearly, Della’s thoughts were probably all over the place, wondering if she had seen correctly last night.

“You two are awfully quiet this morning,” Dad said, placing his hand on my lower back and grabbing his cup of coffee with the other.

“Oh, I’m still tired. I was up late last night,” I told him.

“Why? Couldn’t sleep?”

“Yeah, there were a few things keeping me up and not letting me sleep. Uh, school stuff,” I lied.

“Do you need help with anything? I know Riggs’s brother left town but I’m sure I can find someone else who can help you,” he suggested.

“No, that’s fine. It’s an assignment I’m writing. Not really something anyone can help me with.”

Della turned with the bacon and eggs on a plate, but she avoided eye-contact with me.

“Everything okay, darling?” he asked her, but she simply nodded and passed us to get to the dining room.

“Breakfast’s ready,” she announced, sitting down and immediately grabbing a piece of toast and smearing butter on it.

I smiled up at Dad to assure him everything’s fine, then we sat down and started eating as well.

“Anything fun planned for today?” Dad asked.

“Not really. I might ask Kennedy if she wants to come over if that’s okay.”

“That’s fine with me. I’m taking Della to the country club later today for a round of golf and maybe dinner.”

I nodded, not feeling the need to go with them as I didn’t like that place much. Besides, most of my classmates would be there too, as they spent most their time playing golf or tennis while hitting on all the pretty staff-members.

I looked at Della as she cleared her throat, and unexpectedly, she spoke. “Does Kennedy do things like that too?”

Raising a brow, I waited for her to clarify what she was talking about, but it soon occurred to me.

“Do you mean pleasure herself?” I asked, not letting this turn into a conversation where we’d beat around the bush.

Della’s breath caught in her throat, shocked at the words I chose which could’ve literally been worse.

“Valley,” Dad warned with a stern look which turned into confusion. “Why are you asking her this, Della? We’re eating breakfast.”

I kept my eyes on Della to challenge her to talk, but she was quiet, unsure how to tackle this.

I sighed and looked at Dad, hoping he wouldn’t feel too uncomfortable about what I would say.

“She knocked on my door last night because she must’ve heard me while I was pleasuring myself. I’m eighteen,” I stated.

Dad didn’t react to what I said, thankfully, but Della shook her head and laughed.

“I didn’t do that when I was your age. Where did you even get that…thing?”

“It’s a vibrator, Della. And it’s not wrong to use it when you have the need to.”

“It’s disgusting,” she spat, surprising me with her words just as much as Dad.

“Della, please! She’s eighteen.”

Didn’t expect him to react this way, but I was glad he didn’t shame me like Della did.

“How long have you been sexually active?” she asked.

I knew that whatever she believed in didn’t accept things like this. Sex when you’re not married was a sin, and having a boyfriend was frowned upon if you didn’t keep that boy for the rest of your life.

“Want the truth?” I raised a brow at her, waiting on an answer. “Because I don’t think you can handle it.”

Her jaw dropped and she slapped her hands onto the table with a shake of her head. “Young lady!”

“Jesus Christ, Della, stop it! Let her live. She’s not getting into trouble.”

Exactly, and even if…it would be Copyright 2016 - 2024