Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,84

my life we’re talking about.

“It’s not okay. It’s unholy,” she mumbled.

“I’m not trying to be a saint,” I muttered back, standing up from the table with a heavy sigh.

“I’ll have breakfast in my room. I don’t feel like sitting here, getting shamed for something so damn natural.”

Neither of them said a word, and I grabbed my plate with the eggs and bacon on it, put two slices of bread on it as well before heading upstairs and letting everything I said dwell on her.

I wasn’t born into a religious family, and as much as I respected other’s beliefs, I hated when they had to rub it into your face.

Della did it passive aggressively, which was even worse.

Once I reached my bedroom I closed the door and sat on my bed, pulled my laptop closer and put on a random show on Netflix to watch while eating breakfast.

I didn’t leave the table to calm myself down, but to let her rethink her way of judging me. It wasn’t okay, and if she didn’t see it the same way, I didn’t think there would ever be a way for us to be like before again.

Della was a mother to me ever since my real one left, but I would’ve expected a little more from her.

More acceptance of who I was. Who I was turning into.

“Wanna talk?” Dad’s voice broke through my thoughts, and I turned to look at him as he stood in the doorway, looking like a professional golfer.

I shrugged, sitting up and pressing the space key to pause the show I had been watching for the rest of the morning.

It was almost noon, and Dad had gotten ready to go to the club.

“She grew up in a very religious family, and being open about sexuality or even just thinking about it is a taboo topic,” he explained.

“Yeah, I know.”

He sat down next to me on the bed, sighing and placing his hand on my leg. “I’ll try to talk to her when we’re on the golf course, but she’s pouting like a little kid right now.”

I smiled. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, Dad.”

“Oh, you didn’t. I figured you weren’t sexually abstinent. I’m glad you’re exploring your own body. I know how hard it is to do that, especially in college.”

If he only knew…

“Well, I’m glad you’re not mad. Will you meet a few friends at the club today as well?” I asked to change the subject.

“I’m not sure who will be there, but it will be fun. Sure you don’t wanna come along?”

“Kennedy’s coming over later. Thank you though.” I smiled at him and kissed his cheek before he got up from the bed.

“Sounds good. Have fun you two. I’ll see you tonight.”

“Bye,” I replied, watching as he left and then turning back to my laptop to continue with the show.


“That’s straight out of a porno,” Kennedy laughed after I told her the story about how Riggs fucked me up here while we had guests downstairs.

“Yeah, now that I told you all that, I could’ve easily set up my camera and filmed it all,” I said with a grin.

We were lounging on my bed with the laptop between us and some random movie playing.

“But enough about me. How was it last night with Mason?”

Her cheeks turned red in an instant, and I smiled at her, knowing she had a great time.

“It was amazing. He took me out to the bar where we first met, then we had something to eat and went for a late night walk. It was wonderful.”

“Did you kiss?”


“And?” I grinned from one ear to the other.

“It was perfect. He kisses like a God and I almost swooned because it was so beautiful,” she gushed.

“I’m happy for you, Ken. Do you have any more dates planned?”

“Yes. He invited me to his place next week and we’ll cook together. I’m excited. I think I’m already falling in love with him.”

She deserved to be happy, but her talking about all those things normal couples did made me wonder if I would ever do things like that with Riggs.

He didn’t seem like the kind of guy to take someone out for dinner, or cook for them.

But that’s not what I needed when I could get all those other things from him.

The sex, with all our dirty needs and wants.

“You deserve everything and more, Ken. He’s lucky to have you, but if he fucks up, I’ll let him know he messed with the wrong girl.”

Kennedy smiled and reached out Copyright 2016 - 2024