Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,82

to pull me back up onto the bed.

He spread my legs again, reaching for the vibrator while sliding back inside of me and holding my little toy to my clit without a warning.

His other hand moved to my neck, squeezing it tightly as he started to fuck me.

There wasn’t much coming from him, but everything he wanted to say I could easily read from his eyes.

So many emotions ran through them, and I kept my eyes right on his to not miss a single one of them.

My moans weren’t as loud as they were before, because quite frankly, my body was starting to shut down again.

In a good way, especially after that orgasm he let me have.

His groans were muffled as well, and I wondered how he was gonna leave my room without anyone from downstairs being suspicious about where he had been for so long, but that wasn’t my problem.

His cock throbbed against my tight walls, and it didn’t take too long until he started to choke me to the point I couldn’t breathe anymore.

I closed my eyes, not able to keep them open while trying to reach another high thanks to the vibrator on my clit.

“Don’t come,” he muttered, but that wasn’t possible.

I needed another release, and the longer he kept my toy right there, the more intense the feeling inside of me became.

Just as I thought I could spiral out of control once again, he pulled the vibrator away, making me look at him.

“No, please,” I begged, placing my hands on his arm. “Make me come.”

He only let out a harsh laugh and squeezed my throat again, thrusting into me with more force until he released himself inside of me.

I was mad at him for not giving me what I needed, but then, there wasn’t anything else I had expected from him.

I couldn’t forget that he was still punishing me, and once he emptied his cum inside my pussy, he groaned and pulled out of me before kneeling down between my legs again.

“Please,” I begged again, needing him to give me my release as well.

He started to lick my clit again as his cum flowed out of my pussy, and he kept pushing my legs apart to stop me from moving.

Everything around me started to look blurry, but I kept my eyes on him and squeezed his hands cupping my tits tighter as I tried to keep my mouth shut.

His eyes met mine, and with the intensity inside of them, there was nothing left for me to do other than come.

I covered my own mouth with my hand, arching my back as he continued to make me ride on that wave of pleasure until I reached the top and fell over the edge once again.

It hurt, but it felt so damn good.

Everything he did to me was addictive, and the emptiness I felt after his mouth left me was leaving a mark and bruising me on the inside.

I laid there for I don’t know how long, but when I finally opened my eyes again, he was standing there, putting on his jeans.

His beard was sticky from his own cum, and once he put on his shirt, he walked into my bathroom to clean himself up.

I needed a second to sit up, but when I did he was already back in my bedroom, buckling his belt and giving me a look I wanted to burn into my brain.

“Come here,” he demanded.

I got up from the bed and walked the few steps toward him, letting him cup my face with both hands and brushing my cheeks with his thumbs.

“Say it.”

“I’m yours,” I replied, knowing exactly what he wanted me to say.

He tilted his head to the side and looked to my lips. “Say it again.”

“I’m yours, Riggs. All yours,” I said, pushing myself up onto my tiptoes and kissing his lips as if it was what I needed to survive.

I gripped his shirt tightly in my hands to keep him there, and he gripped fistfuls of my hair at each side of my head to assure me he wasn’t letting go.

Not yet.

Our tongues moved against each other, twirling and dancing in a sensual way. In a way I never had imagined was possible but it filled my heart with so much love.

A low growl made his chest vibrate, and he slowly pulled back, giving me one last kiss before looking back into my eyes.

“Rest. I’ll call you,” he promised.

I nodded and stepped back to let him adjust his clothes Copyright 2016 - 2024