Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,67

out if there wasn’t an emergency, and for some reason, she knew something was up.

I sent her a heart emoji and stepped into the shower to get all of his cum off my skin, then I washed my hair and body before letting the water run down my body.

My thoughts were all over the place, but mostly stuck on the fact that I would have to fight to get him back.

That wasn’t much of a problem, as I always got what I wanted, but as stubborn as Riggs was, there was only a slight chance I could reach my goal.

I wanted him back.

Wanted to be his while also living out my hobby of camming men and pleasuring them.

That’s who I was, and I wouldn’t let him take that away from me.

Not that easily.

Thirty minutes later, Kennedy had arrived with her pajamas underneath her coat, and we cuddled up on the couch with a blanket as I didn’t want her to sit on the bed I had let Riggs do dirty things to me.

Heck, even piss on me.

That was surprising, knowing there was seemingly nothing he didn’t shy away from.

“Was he here?” she asked, playing with my hair while I leaned against her side, letting her cuddle me.

It was usually me being the one making her feel better, for example when she had issues with her parents, but right now, it was me needing support and love.

I nodded. “He left and took my soul with him,” I muttered.

Kennedy let out a soft laugh. “Oh, boy. That bad?”

“I feel lost.”

“Why, that’s new. What happened? Did you argue?” she asked.

“No. We fucked. Well, he fucked me hard to the point I couldn’t move for two hours,” I frowned, turning my head to look at her.

“He knows about me webcamming.”

“Oh, no…”

“He probably heard his brother when he was webcamming with me, and when he came by, he wanted to see my room. Then he snooped around my things and found the mask, calling me Dove.”

“Oh, shit.”

Yeah, same.

“Wait, he didn’t punish you or anything, right? Did he hurt you?” Kennedy asked, looking at me with wide eyes.

“He did, but not in a way you think,” I said, not able to keep in a chuckle. “I liked it. A lot. It seems we have the same kinks. Same way of enjoying all kinds of sexual experiences.”

“Then why are you so sad?” she asked, her voice gentle and filled with worry.

“Because he doesn’t wanna see me again. Not unless I drop Dove.”

She didn’t respond at first, and after brushing through my hair for a while, she sighed. “Can I be honest with you?”

“You have to be.”

“Right. Maybe you don’t need her anymore. I don’t know what he wants, or what you want from him, but it doesn’t seem right for you to spend time with other men, seeing them naked and them seeing you naked while you have a guy in real life who’s willing to…uh…”

“Fuck me. We never talked about what this between us is, which for me is just fun. Sure, I like him, but I don’t think he as a fifty-six-year-old wants to have an actual relationship with an eighteen-year-old,” I sighed.

“Have you asked him that?”

“God, no. He’d probably laugh at me.”

Kennedy shrugged. “You’ll never know if you don’t ask. If he says he doesn’t want you to see other men, making him look like he’s jealous, I don’t think he’s just in it for some fun.”

She had a point there, but it was Riggs we’re talking about, and that man was a huge wall of alpha-man.

Not sure he would let someone in that way, especially at his age.

“He doesn’t wanna see me again. At least that’s what he said.”

“But that doesn’t hold you back from going to his home and talking to him,” she pointed out.

“No, it won’t. Still…I think I have to think about it first. If I give those men up, who knows how upset they’ll be? And what if this thing with Riggs doesn’t work out? Then I’ll stand here all alone.”

She shook her head and smiled. “You’ve told me about those men before, and I think they’re desperate. So…maybe tell them you’ll take a break because of family issues. Things like that happen all the time. Didn’t you tell me about a porn star getting back into the industry after five years, and now she’s one of the best known porn stars ever?”

That made me laugh. “Yeah, that’s true. But I’m not a porn star. Those men pay a Copyright 2016 - 2024