Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,68

subscription to see me, and when I’m gone, they’ll find a different girl to have fun with.”

“You don’t know that. Jesus, who are you and where did you bury my best friend?”

She pushed me away from her gently, making me sit up and look directly into her eyes.

“You’re confident, strong, and the most badass woman I’ve ever met. How is this bringing you down to your knees? He’s a man. You’ve never taken any shit from a man before. At least not the ones you told me about. How much different can this one be?”

I smiled at her words, but as true as those words were, she had no clue how different Riggs was.

“He has this intense way of just…being. His presence makes me shiver, and his touch melts me. No matter what he says or does, sexually or not, he makes me feel a way I just can’t explain.”

Kennedy studied my face for a while before grinning, and I already knew what she was about to say.

“No, Ken. I’m not falling for him,” I muttered.

“I’m not saying that,” she laughed, then shrugged. “But maybe you’re starting to feel something for him. At least it’s a start.”

I shook my head at her. “Being with Riggs won’t be possible anyway. My parents would kill him and lock me up in my room until I’m forty.”

Besides…I thought this was moving a little too fast.

I still had to get my shit together, collect my thoughts and figure out what the fuck I wanted from Riggs.

“So what? You have to give it a chance. You’ve got nothing to lose. You’re young and beautiful, and if he doesn’t want you that way, you’ll still be the Valley I’ve always known.”

She was right, now I just had to burn that into my own damn mind and believe it.

“Did we just switch roles? Normally, I’m the one whining.”

“I’m not whining. I never whine,” I laughed. “He’s just one hell of a man, maybe even too much for me to handle at times.”

“Well, you need that. Maybe that will stop you from being so naughty all the time. Especially in school,” she grinned.

I rolled my eyes at her and got up from the couch. “I need a burger. And pizza. And chips. Wanna stay here overnight? I could use your company.”

She looked at her phone and thought about it for a while, then she muttered something and nodded. “Sure. Probably risking going out with Mason tomorrow night, but I’d do anything for you.”

“Tell your dad you’re here with me to keep me company. It’s scary in a big house like this all alone,” I said, winking at her.

“Yeah, right,” she laughed, shaking her head but tapping a message into her phone to send to her father.

I needed her to distract me today so I could clean up all those thoughts in my head.

I had no idea how soon I’d see him again, but I knew I wanted to so bad.


We spent the night doing what we did best. Watching movies and eating fast food.

And tonight, we were wild enough to open a bottle of wine and drink it without using glasses.

We deserved it, and it definitely made me stop thinking about that asshole.

The huge, tall, so damn muscular and handsome man who did things to me I couldn’t explain. His roughness and rudeness, his way of touching and fucking me.

All those things I desperately wanted and needed.

Yeah, I wasn’t thinking about Riggs and the way he made me feel anymore.

Nope, no way.

“Valley, we’re back!” I heard Della’s voice call out from downstairs, and I looked at the time on my phone, wondering what took them so long to get here.

It was almost nine p.m., and I patiently waited for them to come back from vacation to finally have a real meal.

Even if I loved fast food, I could use something healthier for once. Maybe some broccoli salad and a nicely seasoned chicken breast.

I got up from the bed and headed downstairs to see Della and Dad take off their coats as I reached the foyer.

“Did you have a good time?” I asked, hugging her first before letting Dad pull me into his embrace.

“It was wonderful, relaxing. The house looks surprisingly clean,” Della pointed out, her tone mocking.

“I cleaned. Vacuumed and wiped the floors. Well, here, in the living room, kitchen, and my room,” I told her, not even lying about that.

I had a headache after deciding to drink by myself last night, as it seemed that thinking with Copyright 2016 - 2024