Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,66

his cock before pushing into me again, rough fucking me with no mercy and holding on tight to my hips to thrust even harder.

At this point, it didn’t even hurt anymore, and I let him go at it like a wild animal, not caring about me anymore and only thinking about himself.

His groans got louder, and when I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore, I felt his body tense as he released his cum inside of me, with his cock pushed deep into my pussy.

He was leaving one more mark before disappearing, but no matter what he had planned, if he really didn’t want to see me anymore after tonight, maybe I should’ve thought about it for a little while longer.

“This is over,” he stated, pulling out of me and watching his cum flow out between my folds.

He placed his fingers at my pussy, rubbing them along my slit and then moving them up to my stomach where he rubbed his cum into my skin.

“You made your choice.”

“Don’t go,” I whispered, trying to catch my breath as he moved his fingers up to my nipples.

“You chose them over me. This is it for us.”

And there was nothing left for me to say to keep him here with me.

I watched as he lifted his hand to his mouth, licking his fingertips covered in his and my own juices before putting on his boxer briefs and jeans.

I felt weak, defeated, and I couldn’t move.

My body didn’t respond to my brain’s demands anymore, and there was nothing else for me to do than lay there with my eyes on him.

He truly wrecked me, destroyed me the way he said he would, and now I had to watch him leave without being able to fight him about it.

That’s not who I was, but I had to accept it for now.

“Go to sleep, Valley. You can’t handle this side of me.”

And for a moment, I fully believed him.

It took me exactly two hours until I had collected all my strength and found the motivation to get up from the bed.

My stomach was sticky, just like my pussy as his cum dried on my skin, and when I walked into the bathroom to look at myself in the big mirror, it took me a moment to recognize myself.

Not because of my smudged makeup or red cheeks from his slaps, but because of the way my eyes showed emotions I’ve never seen in them.

Regret was the biggest one flashing through them.

I felt lonely as well, thinking his words were meant seriously.

Shit…who was I kidding? Of course he meant every word he said, not wanting to see me again and whatever we had was over.

I let my eyes wander down to my breasts, then over my stomach and down to my legs.

My thighs were bright red, and when I turned, there were literal hand prints on my skin and all over my ass.

I moved my hand gently over it, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by the stinging I caused by doing so.

He’s been rough with me, maybe even careless and reckless, but I didn’t blame him for making me feel like this.

I pushed him, teased him to the point I made him do all those things to me, and it was all on my own damn self making him behave like a wild animal who was let loose to hunt down and kill its prey.

Still, him taking a step back and closing the door on me because I didn’t want to lose something I loved doing wasn’t right.

And if he thought I’d let him get away with that, he was wrong.

I swallowed the thick lump in my throat and walked back into my room to grab my phone.

I couldn’t be alone tonight, and Kennedy was the only one who’s understand what was going on.

Then again…there wasn’t anyone else I talked to about everything that was going on in my life.

After sending her a text asking to come over as soon as possible, I walked back to the bathroom and placed my phone next to the sink to take a shower.

I needed to wash everything he did to me off my body to be able to think straight, but as hard as I tried to get Riggs off my mind, it wasn’t possible.

My phone buzzed just as I was about to walk into my shower, and I grabbed it to check Kennedy’s message, telling me she’d be here as quickly as possible, having to sneak past her dad.

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