Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,65

could easily turn me on my back or stomach whenever he felt like it, which was very convenient for him, not so much for me.

I hated losing control, and in this very moment, he took all of mine away.

He pushed my legs apart again, moving between them until I could feel his hardness press against my ass.

“You need to be taught how to talk to an adult. You’re fucking reckless, and you have been ever since this started. But I won’t let it slip. Not this time,” he spat, followed by a harsh laugh.

And from that moment on, the pain took over.

He started spanking me harshly, slapping his large hand against my ass and making it feel as if he was ripping off my skin.

It still felt good, and I tried to turn the pain into pleasure while he continued to spank hard.

“This is what you get if you keep being a fucking brat,” he hissed through gritted teeth, and while tears stung my eyes, my skin started to burn like hell.

I wondered how red it already was, as with my pale skin, it was easy to achieve redness.

“Tell me to stop,” he ordered, but I shook my head.


“Tell me to fucking stop, Valley!”

“No!” I cried, pushing back against him while he now squeezed my ass tightly with both hands.

“If this is really what you want, baby…tell me I’m yours.”

“I can’t…” I croaked, needing a little more time to catch my breath, and while I had that time, he pushed into me in a smooth move.

“I can’t stop being a cam girl,” I told him, which only made him angrier.

He started to fuck me roughly, continuing to spank me before thrusting into me.

“Be mine!” he roared, and knowing it would only make him angrier, I shook my head.


“Fucking slut,” he spat, now also slapping my thighs and lower back.

It didn’t hurt as much as when he slapped my ass, yet I was sure he left marks.

I was already spiraling out of control, so I closed my eyes and let him continue with this blissful torture, making me moan and cry out in pleasure.

I didn’t even care if I would come from him fucking me tonight, as long as he didn’t stop.

I felt his cock throb inside of me, and the pulsating of my pussy only added to the intenseness of what I was feeling all throughout my body.

I was in a trance, feeling lightheaded without him having to choke me this time, and although I could breathe just fine, I didn’t feel like it.

Not when he was about to come inside of me, and my body was slowly shutting down, not even bothering reaching a climax.

How he was fucking me was pleasure enough, so much so that I thought I didn’t even need to be fucked anymore for the rest of my life.

This was enough, and I would remember tonight forever.

I’ve been quieter ever since he started to push his thumb inside my asshole, moving it rhythmically to his cock, but every once in a while I moaned, letting him know that he could go on longer, fucking and spanking me.

“I’m gonna say this one last time, Valley,” he muttered as he stopped thrusting into me and reached forward to cup my tits with both hands and leaning over me from behind.

His lips were close to my ear, his breath tickling my skin as he spoke. “Be mine, or lose me forever.”

How serious was he about this?

I kept my eyes closed and thought about it for a while before I couldn’t help myself and shook my head.

“I can’t,” I whispered, knowing I would miss being Dove.

“She’s part of me. I can’t let go of her,” I added, hoping he knew who I was talking about.

But my answer wasn’t what he wanted to hear, and he immediately let me know what he thought about my choice.

He undid the blindfold tying me to the bed, then pulled out of me and turned me onto my back while getting off the bed himself.

I was exhausted and I felt defeated for the first time ever.

My eyes barely opened, and the pain grew now that my ass pressed against the mattress after his spanking.

He didn’t speak, but his eyes told me everything he was thinking.

He wasn’t happy about my response, and although he didn’t look furious, he sure had anger built up inside of him, ready to explode and letting it all out on me.

Without another word, he kept his eyes on mine and rubbed Copyright 2016 - 2024