Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,25

picked up my backpack from the floor and left Kennedy by our lockers while I followed Mr. Thompson into his office.

“Is it important?” I asked, but before he answered my question, Mr. Trapani was sitting in one of the chairs, leaned back and with his fingers brushing along his stubble covered jaw.

“Let’s say it’s important we find a solution for what I’m about to tell you.”

Mr. Thompson sat down in his big chair and let out a heavy sigh, then he looked at Mr. T before clicking his pen a few times, unsure of how to start this conversation as he eyed my clothes.

Wait…this really is about my uniform.

“Am I dressed inappropriately?” I asked, sounding somewhat challenging and raising a brow at Mr. Trapani.

“Let’s say we’ve had some complaints,” Mr. Thompson said, his eyes back on my face again.

“From whom?”

“Some of the seniors.”


They probably complained just to mess with me.

“Is this the first time they complained?” I asked, raising a brow and looking at Mr. Trapani again who was watching me closely.

Too bad he’d never let me stay in his classroom after school because the way he looked at me sure screamed for sexual attention from one of his students.

“Yes. First time, and hopefully also the last.”

“And there were no complaints from the teachers?” I asked.

“No,” Mr. Thompson replied, letting his eyes move to my uniform again.

“So I’m not really pushed to change the way I wear this beautiful school’s uniform, am I?”

Mr. Trapani chuckled, sitting up straight and shaking his head at Mr. Thompson. “I told you this meeting wasn’t necessary.”

It really wasn’t if they wouldn’t tell me to button up my shirt or pull down my skirt to cover more of my legs.

“Can I leave, then?”

Mr. Thompson nodded, then he also shook his head as he realized this was really a waste of time.

“Just…stop giving those guys false hope. It’s all they talk about in my classes, and I don’t have time to hear them talk about you and the way you dress,” Mr. Trapani said.

I knew boys at this school had nothing better to do than talk behind my back about me, feeling hurt because they damn well knew I would never hop into bed with them.

“I’m not even talking to them. They’re immature. It’s not my problem if they get a boner whenever they see me around campus.”

“Ms. Bentley,” the headmaster warned. “No reason to use such words. I’m sure your father wouldn’t like the way you talk.”

I smiled at him and shrugged. “My dad isn’t here, and just because I talk like this in school, doesn’t mean I use vulgar language at home as well,” I told him.

When I got up from the chair to turn and walk back to the door, Mr. Trapani cleared his throat and muttered something in Italian under his breath, making me turn back around and look at him.

He called bullshit on my statement with just his gaze, and with a shrug, I left the office to head back to Kennedy.

“What did he say?” she asked as I reached her.

“What did they say. Mr. T. was in there too, saying his seniors talk about me all the time.”

“And you must enjoy all the talk about your insanely hot body,” a guy said, and when I turned around, four seniors I’ve had a few interactions with before stood there.

I crossed my arms over my chest and tilted my head to the side. “The attention’s nice, yeah. Don’t mind if you keep talking about me,” I teased, making three of them widen their eyes.

The one talking was Cedric. Notorious bad and fuck boy of this college.

There were too many girls he had fucked over, Kennedy included.

That’s why I didn’t like him much. But then…Kennedy was very naïve, and even after telling her not to fall for his stupid games, she did just that.

“They still let you walk around like this? Even after we complained?”

“Maybe next time you should be more serious about your complaint. They didn’t take it seriously, Ced.”

He raised a brow, letting his eyes wander all over my body before stepping closer and leaning in to talk quieter just for me to hear.

“When will you finally drop that attitude and let a real man fuck you?”

I snorted, not able to help myself.

“You wish you could fuck like a real man. Stop bothering me and every other girl in this school and grow up.”

“I am grown up. Didn’t you hear from all those girls how good I made them feel? Don’t Copyright 2016 - 2024