Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,26

you want that too? Those old men have nothing to offer anyway.”

I wasn’t going to talk about how much better it was having sex with an older guy, but I couldn’t let his comment about the girls slip.

“Those are one-fifth of the girls you fucked who said those things, but the rest are disappointed by what they had to endure while sleeping with you. Get your facts straight, Cedric, and maybe one day, which I highly doubt, you might have a shot with me.”

There it was again…me giving him false hope.

After what I said, Cedric’s eyes filled with excitement and challenge, thinking he could really fuck me some day.

“So this isn’t over,” he said with a grin, but I just rolled my eyes and turned away to walk to class with Kennedy.

“He didn’t even look at me,” she whispered.

“Woah, no! You will not be offended by him, Ken! He screwed you over and used you. Forget about him already. God, I really should set you up with a guy who doesn’t play games.”

She raised a brow at me. “But you play games with men all the time.”

“I’m also not a relationship kind of girl,” I told her with a sigh. “Come on. We’ll go shopping after school and I will find you someone who knows how to treat a woman right.”

“And where do you wanna find such a guy?” she asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe we’ll come across someone who seems nice.”

She wasn’t the type of girl who liked to be alone, and she had dated one guy in the past.

Her father was quick to shut their relationship down when he found out he didn’t have rich parents, and was basically worthless in his eyes.

“What about you? I haven’t seen you with a guy in real life in a while. You know, not one you hang out with on your laptop screen,” she said, keeping her voice quiet as we entered the classroom.

“I do have someone now,” I replied. “It’s just a matter of time until I see him again.”


“You went shopping without me?” Della asked with a pout as I entered the house.

I looked up at her and smiled apologetically. “It was a spontaneous decision. But I’d love to go shopping with you sometime soon,” I told her.

We bonded over a lot of things, but spending money on clothes was what we liked doing the most.

“I wanna see everything you bought after dinner. Be down in an hour, okay, sweetie?”

I nodded and then hurried upstairs to put away my backpack with the homework I’d have to do later tonight, and then I pulled out every item I got to cut off the tags.

Shame most of these clothes would never be seen by anyone expect the men through a webcam.

I got mostly lingerie, a few skirts and dresses, and two sweaters which I thought looked comfortable for when I decided to cover up for once.

I lifted the red bra with matching panties to admire its beauty, knowing my men would love it.

They weren’t picky. Well, all but one.

Daryl always wanted me to wear nothing but a white, see-through shirt. No underwear, no toys, nothing.

He was forty-nine and had this recurring dream of a woman sitting in front of him on a bed, her nipples showing through a white shirt and her legs spread wide to expose her pussy.

He couldn’t quite understand why that turned him on so much, but because I wasn’t the one deciding what they wanted to see or do for their money, I always watched him rub his cock until he came without me doing much but sit there.

Some men were strange, but then…I did have a few things I liked to do before reaching an orgasm which most people would find weird.

But that was a whole other story.

The fact that only they would see me in this lingerie upset me, so I reached for my second phone and opened Riggs’s chat, thinking about sending him a few pictures of me in it.

I had a little bit of time before dinner, so I set the phone back down and quickly changed into my new set of underwear, then I adjusted my hair and sat in front of the large mirror in my closet to take a few naughty pics.

He’d love them, and teasing him might just make him react the way he did last night.

The excitement rose inside of me, and after taking about twenty pictures in different positions, I looked through them and deleted the ones I Copyright 2016 - 2024