Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,17

up and actually do something.”

“That’s good. Would you like some eggs as well?” she asked, smiling at me.

“Yes, please. Dad told me to let you know he wants just salt on the eggs. No special seasoning.”

“Oh…he doesn’t like it, hm? At least I know what not to buy anymore. I have so many things in the pantry I don’t know what to do with.”

“You’ll find a way to use them,” I encouraged. “Hey, when did Riggs leave last night?” I asked, knowing exactly when he did.

I heard his car, but I needed a way to start talking about him.

“A little after you went to bed. It’s been nice seeing him again, hm?”

“Yes, very nice,” I replied, biting the inside of my cheek. “So he retired…and he still lives alone,” I stated, just wanting to be sure.

“I think he had a girlfriend a few months ago, but she lives in New York and he doesn’t go back there anymore.”

A girlfriend?

Did he touch her the way he touched me? And was she young like me?

Jealousy wasn’t something I felt often, but knowing he had other women in his life bothered me a little.

I wasn’t the relationship type myself, but I didn’t want him to spend time with other women.

From now on.

“He looks good for his age, doesn’t he?” I asked, needing to keep talking about him.

Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to do so with my stepmother, but she wouldn’t see my compliment as anything more than that.

“He really does. He told us last night that he turned his old office into a gym, and that he likes to go for runs a few times a week. I tried to talk your father into joining Riggs, but there’s no way he would go on early morning runs,” Della said, laughing softly.

I smiled. “Dad’s getting lazier every day. His body more than his head though.”

“He has to realize his life won’t be over if he retires. I think that’s what he’s most afraid of. Feeling bored and lost without a job.”

I nodded, knowing what she was saying was right.

“Maybe he’ll realize it soon.”

I helped her set the table and then we waited for Dad to come downstairs and sit down with us to eat breakfast.

My mind was already set on studying, and afterward, I wanted to reward myself with some online shopping.

Maybe I’d call up Kennedy and see if she could come over, but I knew how strict her parents were, and since she’s gone out to a party last night already, that was probably enough for the week.


I lost time while studying, and it suddenly was five in the afternoon.

At least I had gotten a few things done, read a few chapters for an assignment, and got as much information into my head for the test on Tuesday.

I was so focused that I even forgot to eat lunch, and only snacked on the chocolate covered crackers I had lying around on my desk.

After pushing everything aside and packing my backpack for Monday, I got up and walked out of my room to find Della standing in the guest bathroom, folding towels.

“Your Dad and I thought you fell asleep. Have you been studying until now?” she asked with a smile.

“Yeah, and I have a major headache now,” I said, sighing.

“Dinner will be ready soon. I’m sure it’s food you’re lacking.” She looked at my body and puckered her lips. “Maybe your father is right, sweetie. You’re losing weight again.”


That wasn’t true at all.

“Have you seen my tits and ass?” I asked bluntly, raising a brow at her.

She stopped moving and frowned. “Yes, and they’re beautiful. But your waist and stomach…you look malnourished.”

“I do not,” I muttered. I simply didn’t have the type of body to gain weight easily.

But it wasn’t like I was trying to anyway.

I loved my body, and I knew the effect it had on men and women.

To avoid another one of her comments, I turned to walk back into my room to get my phone and then head downstairs to see Dad sitting on the couch and talking to someone on the phone.

“That doesn’t matter. If he really wants to turn his life around, he’ll accept my offer.”

I listened in as I sat down on the couch next to him, and he gave me a quick nod to acknowledge me.

“I’m not offering again. He can agree, or keep on ruining his life. And that’s final.”

I puckered my lips as I kept listening while looking at my phone and going through Copyright 2016 - 2024