Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,18

Kennedy’s messages she wrote throughout the day.

As focused as I was, I totally forgot to check my phone after asking her if she wanted to come by tonight.

Surprisingly, she had texted me yes five times, hoping for me to respond.

I quickly typed a reply, telling her she could come over later tonight after I had dinner.

A sleepover was just what I needed.

A good movie, snacks, and maybe a few nudes from my men.

Now that I let Garett see me last night instead of this evening, I had time to spend with my best friend.

“All right. Let me know what he says. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He hung up and looked at me as I moved my gaze up to his, and with a smile, I said, “Kennedy is coming over later. We’re having a sleepover.”

He nodded. “Done studying?”


“Good,” he said, standing up and placing his phone onto the coffee table. “Riggs will come over for dinner tomorrow night. We have a few things to talk about.”

That made me sit up straight.

“Oh, that’s great. You must’ve missed him the past year, huh?”

“Yeah. He’s been the only one I could talk to about anything other than business. Great guy. I’m glad he’s back,” he told me.

If he only knew what his best friend did to me last night…

“I’m excited to see him again.”

More excited than I’ve been in a long time.

It seemed like all the men I usually had fun with weren’t as exciting as they once were, and no matter how hard I’d have to work for it, I wanted to see Riggs naked.

Touch and feel every inch of him, and show him just how bad I could be.

He liked the way I teased him, despite his grumpy and annoyed behavior last night.

He enjoyed touching me just as much, and I wanted more.

So much more.

“Help Della in the kitchen, will you? I have a few more emails to send and then we can have dinner.”

I nodded as he walked out, leaving me all alone in the big living room with my naughty thoughts about my dad’s best friend.

I looked at his phone on the coffee table and thought about unlocking it to get to Riggs’s number.

Sending him a picture of me in my underwear sounded intriguing, and as reckless as I was, I grabbed the phone and put the password in to get to Dad’s contacts.

It wasn’t okay looking through his contacts, but it wasn’t like I read his emails or messages, right?

When I found his name in the list, I quickly snapped a picture of his number with my phone as I couldn’t use my actual phone to send him a naughty picture.

Might even be fun to make him guess who sent him pictures like that, which made it all even more exciting.

I grinned, because although I was used to doing crazy things like this, something about it being Riggs made my heart pump faster.


“Don’t you think that’s a little too…”

“Slutty?” I asked, finishing Kennedy’s sentence after I told her my plan to send Riggs a naughty picture from my second phone.

How much fun would it be to know he got the message, saw a half-naked picture of me, but had no clue who was sending it?

“I just wanna have a little bit of fun with him, Kennedy. He was…intense last night. I wanna get back at him. Tease him a little more.”

Kennedy studied me as she leaned back on the bed. We had both put on our pajamas, ready to cuddle up under the covers and watch a movie.

“But what if he knows it’s you? If he’s been as rude as he was last night, I can’t imagine what he’d do if he figures out that’s you in the picture.”

He wasn’t rude.

Well, at least that’s how I interpreted it.

I was turned on by his asshole-behavior, and I desperately needed more.

I looked down at my phone and shrugged, checking his number which I had taken a picture of earlier this evening.

Riggs number was saved into my contacts of my second phone, and with a smug grin, I opened his chat and tapped on the camera icon.

“He won’t figure it out if I don’t show my face and have my hair up in a bun. Besides, he’s never seen my lingerie, so there’s no way he’ll figure it out.”

Although I wanted that to be how this turned out, I had no doubt he’d know sooner or later, seeing as there was probably no other eighteen-year-old wanting to mess with him.

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