Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,16

Daddy just how much you like to be fucked hard.”

His groans got louder and I was happy to have made the decision to put my headphones in.

I felt the tingles in my toes start to slowly creep up my legs, skipping right over my pussy but forming a ball of tension in my lower stomach.

I needed more, so I moved my hand to my clit and started to rub it with my wet fingers.


Garett was way closer than I was, but I wanted to take my time and hope for an intense, hard-hitting orgasm while he muttered things through gritted teeth.

My breath started to hitch, wishing Riggs’s hand was around my throat again.

I tried my hardest not to moan or make any loud noises, so I forced my voice to disappear while I kept rubbing my clit and fucking my pussy with the almost too realistic dildo.

Luckily those things came in boxes without logos on them, or else I could’ve never ordered all these sex toys right to my doorstep.

My toes curled as the orgasm washed over me, and I had to cover my mouth with my hand to keep every little noise to myself.

“That’s it, baby. Show Daddy just how much you wanted this,” he said, making me come down from my high quicker than I wanted to.

It was his voice.

Normally, he sounded great, but ever since Riggs…I only wanted his voice to talk dirty to me.

First thing I did in the morning was put away the dildo that was still lying next to me on my bed.

Last night was amazing, and after receiving an insane number of compliments from Garett before I turned off the webcam, I couldn’t stop thinking about Riggs.

His voice echoed in my mind, making me squeeze my thighs together to stop the aching between them.

I could still feel his rough touch around my neck, and I wished I knew when I’d see him again.

Hopefully soon.

I got out of bed and looked into the mirror with a heavy sigh, then I walked into the bathroom to wash my face and put my hair back into a low ponytail.

It was only eight, but if I wanted to have a successful day studying, I needed to be up early enough.

Della was probably already making breakfast, but I took my time to do my morning routine before heading out of my room to head downstairs.

“Val?” Dad called out from the other side of the hallway, and I walked past the top of the stairs to get to his office.

“Good morning, Dad,” I said, smiling at him sitting in his chair, and I waited for him to give me the permission to enter his office.

He didn’t like people walking into his office without asking permission, but when he saw me, he quickly nodded and smiled back at me.

“Sleep well?” he asked.

I nodded as I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his head.

I’ve always been a daddy’s girl, and I was lucky to have him and Della, of course. But it’s always been him, no matter how stern and strict he was while raising me.

“We went to sleep a little late, but I have a few things to deal with today before I can relax.”

“You deserve a little break, Dad. When’s the last time you had a vacation?” I asked, looking at the screen where he had three emails open at the same time.

“It’s been more than a year. Della’s birthday is coming up in a few weeks, and I was thinking of taking her somewhere. Don’t worry, I’m taking care of myself.”

I nodded, puckering my lips and looking at him again. “Take her to the Maldives. She’s been talking about it for months.”

Dad chuckled and nodded. “Guess she’s been hinting it, huh?”

I laughed. “Seems like it.”

Them going on vacation meant I’d have the house to myself, which was of course a great thing considering all the things I could do without them around.

“Are you coming downstairs?” I asked, stepping away from him.

“I’ll be right with you girls. Tell Della to not use that Mexican seasoning on the eggs again. Salt on mine is just fine.”

I smiled and nodded, then headed downstairs and into the kitchen where the smell of bacon filled my nose.

“Morning,” I said, looking toward the stove to see if she was already cooking the eggs.

“Good morning, sweetie. You’re up early,” she pointed out, sounding surprised.

“I have to study, and if I sleep in, I won’t find the motivation to get Copyright 2016 - 2024