Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,15

on the table, and with a gentle smile, she leaned in to kiss Della’s cheek, then Andrew’s.

“I’ll see you in the morning, sweetie. Have a good night,” Della said, and Valley nodded as she looked at me.

At first, I thought I had made her speechless, which to be honest, would’ve been best for us both.

Instead, she straightened up her back and swallowed hard, looking straight into my eyes with determination.

“Now that you’re back in town, I hope to see you again soon, Riggs.”

That sounded like a challenge, and I couldn’t help but grin at her facial expression.

“Good night, Valley,” was my response, and with a quick frown she left to go upstairs.

Definitely made her rethink everything she thought she could do to me to tease me, but that obviously didn’t go as planned.

Even with Garett’s moans and groans coming from my headphones, it was Riggs I imagined sitting there on that black, leather couch, stroking his cock while his other hand played with his balls.

I was horny, and it was all thanks to Riggs.

The way he grabbed me in the kitchen, the way he made me gasp for air, and the way he talked to me in that dirty, deep growling voice made me want to strip bare in front of him and let him do whatever he wanted to do to me.

I didn’t care how much it hurt, as long as it was him doing all those things to me.

“Now fuck your tight pussy with that thing, Dove. Show me how hard you like to be fucked.” Garett’s voice made me snap out of my thoughts and I pulled the large dildo out of my mouth to place it at my entrance.

I was leaned back against the headboard of my bed with my legs spread wide and my other hand pulling at my nipples the way he asked me to just minutes before.

Getting the dildo out was a good idea, and when I closed my eyes, I imagined Riggs’s cock pushing inside of my tightness.

“Oh, fuck…” I breathed, trying to be as quiet as possible.

Riggs had left a few minutes ago, and my parents were still downstairs, cleaning up what the catering staff didn’t have to.

Their bedroom was on the other side of the house, but they still had to walk up the same stairs to get to the top floor.

“I want you to watch me, Dove. Keep those eyes on me while you fuck yourself. God, baby…my dick is so damn hard.”

I tried to imagine his voice to be as low and mysterious as Riggs’s, but just thinking about him helped me move closer toward an orgasm.

I really needed a real cock inside of me soon.

“Deeper, baby. I want you to fuck yourself deeper and harder. Fuck…I can see all your juices coming out of that sweet pussy,” he muttered, rubbing his cock faster and pulling at his balls by gripping them tighter.

“Oh, yes, Daddy,” I moaned, throwing my head back into the pillow and biting down on my bottom lip to stop myself from being too loud.

I had to get myself under control before Della or Dad would hear me.

That’s the last thing I wanted, but being heard by Riggs would be so bad.

To keep myself from moaning too loudly, I pushed three fingers of my left hand into my mouth and started to suck on them, imagining them being Rigg’s hard, thick cock.

I wondered what he tasted like.

What his cum tasted like.

I wanted him to come on my face, tits, stomach, pussy. Anywhere he pleased.

Because just from our short but intense interaction we had in the kitchen I knew he was a dirty man.

Maybe even dirtier than Garett who liked to drink and swallow his own piss and cum.

I didn’t kink shame, and to be honest, some of those kinks turned me on as well.

Maybe more when I watched instead of participating, but seeing others push their limits, like the first time I told Garett I’d enjoy watching him drink his own urine, did something to me.

I wondered if Riggs had boundaries.

He didn’t seem like the type of guy who would shy away from anything when it came to sex, and maybe one day I’d find out about everything he liked.

My legs started to tense, and I pulled my fingers out of my mouth to place them on one of my nipples again, circling it while pushing the dildo deeper into my pussy.

“Keep going, baby. Daddy wants to see you come. Make me proud, baby. Show Copyright 2016 - 2024