This Fearless Girl (St. Clary's University #2) - E. M. Moore Page 0,85

slow down and just be present for it. And trust me, when it’s Wyatt Longhorn kissing you, you want to be present for it.


Stone drops us back off at Saint Clary’s right next to the Audi. He meets my reflection in the mirror and holds it, his face softening little by little the more we stare at each other. Right then, I know everything I’ve been feeling today is on point. No, we can’t go to each other at this moment—I can’t pop forward and give him a kiss—but in our stare, we’re saying all we need to.

I get Wyatt’s reservations. Stone wants his mom back; he needs her back. I understand that feeling all too well. I just have to believe that what we did isn’t going to hinder his chances of getting her. Lance isn’t all that trustworthy, and I’m not sure that playing along with his plan is the best idea, but it is the best option we have right now.

Before I can launch myself over the seat and ruin everything, I get out of the car and head toward the Audi. Lucas holds up the keys. “You want to drive?”

I snatch them. “Don’t mind if I do.”

I get in, turning the car on with a button, and it hums underneath me, almost a silent purr. Damn. My dad’s truck always felt like a huge vibrator underneath me. If I wasn’t paying attention, I wouldn’t have even known I turned on the car. “Wow. This is freaking nice,” I say, admiring the curve of the leather steering wheel under my hands.

“I guess. If you want to drive a pussy car,” Wyatt snarks. “It’s nothing like my truck.” I shake my head at him, but he only grins. “How’d you learn how to drive anyway? It doesn’t seem like something your dad would’ve been keen on doing.”

I grit my jaw—not because he’s wrong, but because he’s right. Actually, that’s not all that fair because I technically never told him I wanted my license. “The high school offered driver’s ed, so I took it. The instructor let me take the test in his car.” My dad wasn’t all that into things that I should’ve been doing. He was too roped up in the treasure. It never dawned on him that it was time for me to get my license, and I never asked. He hated everything that took his attention away from finding our family’s legacy. It was better the way I did it.

The drive to Jacobs Manor seems shorter now that I’m in control. I turn down the beautiful driveway, but I slow to a stop when there’s an indistinct, black sedan parked in front of the house waiting for us. Right away, I know it has something to do with Cole.

A guy gets out of the car with his hands up. Lucas, Wyatt, and I eye him suspiciously. He’s dressed in a t-shirt and joggers, his longish chestnut-brown hair wrapping around his ears. His face is angular, biceps busting out of the white v-neck. He sure as hell isn’t dressed anything like Cole’s usual goons, and he’s certainly not giving me any weird vibes like the others either.

“Just pull up,” Wyatt instructs. “Lucas and I will talk to him while you stay in the car.”

I do as he says. Well, I half do as he says because no way am I staying in the car. I don’t even think Cole likes Stone, Wyatt, and Lucas. In fact, I know he doesn’t like Stone. So, when Lucas and Wyatt throw their doors open, I throw mine open too and come around the front. Wyatt sighs, but he doesn’t say anything.

“You Dakota?” the guy asks, hands still in the air.

“Yep, and you are?”

“Finn. Cole sent me to train you.”

“Train me?”

The newcomer shrugs as Wyatt levels him with a glare. “She doesn’t need a trainer.”

“All I know is he sent me here to work with some girl named Dakota. Call him if you want.”

I study him while we all stand there. His sure voice is sincere, but why would Cole care enough to send someone to train me. We’ve all decided internally that working on self-defense is a good idea, but Cole sending someone is a whole different thing. This act is picking at the piece of my brain that’s been thinking maybe Cole isn’t the enemy. Sure, there’s a reason why Lucas and Wyatt wouldn’t like him—the Dragons took them down that night on my family’s land, but he Copyright 2016 - 2024