Fatal Secrets - Desiree Holt Page 0,19

been tough, but Sadie and I are damn glad to have you. Keep that in mind.”

Sean looked at Hank. “But you hardly know me.”

“We’ve talked on the phone, and, believe me, I did a thorough rundown on you just like I would anyone I’m about to bring into this circle. The only people I’d trust with Zoe are members of Brotherhood Protectors…and you. Who, by the way, I am hoping will join our group and make your home here.”

Sean felt every muscle in his body tighten. Was he ready for this? At the moment he belonged nowhere, and from the way Hank had described this group it could be what he was looking for. A place to belong after all the shit he’d been through. But what about his injuries? Would they restrict him?

And how did he deal with Zoe? Did she have the same lingering feelings about last night that he did? How on earth was this going to work?”

“I can almost hear your brain being busy,” Hank joked. “Let’s eat, then I’ll take you downstairs to the BP offices and show you how it all works. Introduce you to a couple of the guys who are working on stuff. I know you need a place to stay and, for now, we’ve got plenty of room in this house. That also means Zoe will never be far away.”

Yeah? In that case, his cock had better behave or he’d be in real trouble. Hank would not be too happy if it didn’t, he was pretty sure. What the hell was the matter with him anyway? He had fallen into a comfortable pattern of taking his sex where he could find it and being able to walk away. No emotional entanglements for him. Selfish, he knew, but he couldn’t seem to get past the barriers he’d set up within himself.

But last night had changed all that, shocking the shit out of him. He couldn’t seem to get the images out of his brain. And then, today, there she was again, and he was assigned to protect her by his cousin who was doing his best to give him new purpose in life. Where was his famous SEAL discipline when he needed it?

“Now let’s get you settled and take a good look at the situation. What about the car? Did you finish cleaning it? Find anything?”

“Clean as whistle now and parked where you told me.”

“Excellent. I’m sending someone to bring it back here this afternoon. So. Ready?”

He guessed as much as he was ever going to be. “Okay. Sure.”

“Then let’s get your luggage, get you settled, and take a good look at the situation.”

He guessed he was set for this, at least as much as he was ever going to be. “Okay. Sure.”

He grabbed his gear, which mostly consisted of a large duffel and a rifle case, from his truck.

“You take that everywhere with you?” Hank nodded at the rifle.

“Never leave home without it. And just so you know, I did check, and Montana does not require a permit.”


He left his stuff on the floor by the bed, took the time to wash his hands, and headed back to the kitchen.

“All set?” Sadie asked. “Good. I’m putting lunch on the table.”

This time he sat across from Zoe. Hoping a little distance would cool his misbehaving cock. She just looked so damn appealing sitting there, her beauty unadorned by any makeup and the clean, fresh scent she wore teasing his nostrils. And edgy. Well, who the hell wouldn’t be after what happened? He had to resist the urge to pull her against his chest and assure her things would be taken care of. And hell, that was so not like him.

Get your shit together.

Sadie finished serving and took a seat herself.

Sean looked over at Hank and cleared his throat.

“I did what you suggested while I was cleaning everything up.”

“What did you suggest?” Zoe glared at Hank. “If it has to do with me, I want to know what’s going on.”

Sean looked from Hank to Zoe and back again. Then he pulled the small envelopes from a jeans pocket, placed them on the table, and pushed them toward Hank, who cocked an eyebrow.

“Oh yeah. The prints. So you found some?”

“What kind of prints?” Zoe stared at him. “And from where?”

“I asked Sean to see if he could pull any prints from your car,” Hank reminded her.”

“Oh. Yeah. Right.”

Hank looked at his cousin. “I take it you did?”

“Yes, to my surprise. But whoever did this

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