Fatal Secrets - Desiree Holt Page 0,20

was pretty sloppy about it. They leaned against the car as they painted the letters.”

“I can take these to the sheriff’s office,” Hank told him. “They can run them through the system for me. We’ll have him take Zoe’s prints for comparison, so we know which ones to eliminate. Zoe knows him, so there won’t be any problem getting it done. Right, Zoe?”

“Yes. I’ve covered some stories out of his office. Even interviewed him a few times. Alex Rossi is a great guy and a terrific lawman.”

“He’s also a good friend of mine and someone we can trust. Sean, like us, he’s a former SEAL. You’ll like him. He’s doing a great job. The previous sheriff was a real piece of dirt. He was mixed up in a nasty business, and the staff needed a house cleaning.”

“That’s what he’s doing,” Sadie added. “He’s slowly replacing the deputies he inherited with former SEALS . Except for one, a woman who he says is better than gold.”

All SEALs? That was interesting.

“How come the focus on SEALs?”

“Because he was one himself and thinks they’re the best. He also wants to help them find a new place in society,” Hank told him. “We’ll head down to his office after lunch, and I’ll let him tell you.

Maybe he’d have a chance to meet them, Sean thought, and assess how they were finding a new place for themselves after discharge.

Hank looked over at Zoe. “You’ll go with us so he can take your prints for elimination purposes.”

“I’ll go with you because you’re not leaving me out of anything,” she reminded him.

His mouth curved in a rueful grin. “You’re gonna make this difficult, aren’t you?”

She shrugged. ”Only as much as it has to be. You can keep me safe but not locked away. Okay?”

“Okay, okay.” He threw up his hands. ”Sean, I’ve given you a handful here. Hope it doesn’t send you running off.”

Sean shrugged. “I’m tough.”

Plus, no way was he running away from this woman, at least not until he got a handle on all the wild emotions she raised in him.

Hank glanced from one to the other.

“Okay, then. Once we get all the preliminaries taken care of, I want you staying here at the ranch with Sean glued to your side. If he and I have to be away at the same time, I’ll make arrangements through Brotherhood Protectors for you to be covered. If you have to leave the ranch for anything, although I cannot imagine what that would be, Sean goes with you.”

“Wait.” She glared at everyone. “Didn’t you hear what I just said? Don’t I get a say in this? What if I have to go talk to someone? Or do some more research. I am not nearly done with getting every fact I can. I can’t be locked up here. Hank, I know you have my safety at heart, but now you’ve provided me with my own personal security guard”—she made a face at the word—“I have to be able to go places and do things. And be very careful,” she added.”

“You can do all the research you want on your laptop. Everything is digitized these days, even from ten years ago.”


He held up his hand. “But if that happens, we’ll decide how to handle it.”

Sean watched Zoe frown, and just knew she was still working up some kind of argument.

“Zoe.” Sadie finished setting sandwiches on the table and slid into a chair next to her friend. “Whoever this is means business. We all know that. There’s something hinky about Justine’s death, or the police would have gone all out on it and arrested someone long before now. Whoever did it is sure they got away with it. But now, after ten years, you’re kicking at the dirt, and someone is determined to stop you. Work on the book, but don’t be foolish about it. We’re talking about your life here. Okay?”

“You really think someone will try to kill me?”

“I think that’s a given,” Hank told her. “Especially after today. You never thought anyone would kill Justine, did you? They’ve gotten away with it for ten years. Now you’re shaking up their safe little world. Of course they want to get rid of you.”

For a very brief moment, Sean saw fear flash in her eyes. Then it was gone.

Tough. He liked that, even as he considered the danger she was putting herself in. And had to battle the shocking feelings for her flooding him.

“So. Exactly how, then, is this going to

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