Fatal Secrets - Desiree Holt Page 0,18

he drove up a paved road to a sprawling cedar-and-stone ranch house. It sat on a knoll with the Crazy Mountains as a backdrop, and an abundance of Douglas fir, and lodgepole and ponderosa pines. He parked in a space at the side of the house and climbed out of the truck as the front door opened and Hank strode out onto the porch.

“Glad you made it. Leave your truck where it is for the moment and come on in. We’re getting ready for a late lunch so you’re right on time.”

“I hope you didn’t wait for me. It’s way past lunchtime.”

“No problem. Everything works out. Come on in. Everyone’s in the kitchen.”

Sean walked into the large kitchen and spotted Zoe sitting at the table. At once a sliver of heat shot through his cock. This wasn’t good, especially since their gazes locked and he could swear he saw the same reaction from her. He was struck again by the electricity that zapped him just from looking at her. Was that answering heat he saw in her eyes or just wishful thinking on his part?

There was another woman sitting at the table who rose and held out her hand.

“Hi, Sean, I’m Sadie. I’m so glad to meet you. I’m really glad you’re here with us. Oh hell. Come here.” She threw her arms around him and hugged him.

“Don’t chase the guy off,” Hank laughed. “I don’t think he’s used to such touchy-feely stuff.”

“Oh! Of course! “She dropped her arms and took a step back. “Sorry, Sean, but I love family, and Hank’s really been looking forward to this.”

Maybe because he didn’t know what a wreck I am, Sean thought.

“No problem.”

“You won’t get to meet our little whirlwind, Emma, yet. She’s having a long sleepover at a friend’s. And she is a whirlwind. Not yet five, tiny, but enough energy to wear out an army.”

“I look forward to seeing her.” What else was he supposed to say?

She gestured toward the table. “And Hank tells me you and Zoe met this morning.”

“Yes, we have.” At the sight of her heat flashed through his body, as again, unbidden, the image of her without any clothes, lying in his bed and moaning with passion, flew into his mind.


“Lunch is about ready. Um, do you need to wash up or anything first?”

“Yeah, that would be great.”

And maybe he could throw cold water on his very insistent shaft at the same time. He needed to stop that or he’d be walking around with a permanent boner.

“Then let me show you where you’ll bunk and you can get settled,” Hank told him.

“I feel like a freeloader,” Sean told him.

“You made a commitment,” Hank reminded him. “Freeloading doesn’t come close to describing your situation.”

Sean wasn’t so sure.

“I thought about where the best place would be for you to bunk,” Hank continued. “I want you where Zoe is at all time. This is a big house, with lots of space. The master suite and nursery are set up so we have plenty of privacy. When Zoe stays with us, we give her the biggest guest suite. I’m putting you in the room at the end of the hall. It’s right by the stairs, so if she tries to sneak by you she can’t.”

He lifted an eyebrow. “You think she will?”

“Don’t know, but she’s a real pistol, stubborn, and I’d rather be safe. Although I’ve got cameras all over the house, so not much goes on here that’s not recorded. Sounds the alarm if someone tries to breach.”

“Breach? You think whoever this is might be stupid enough to bust into White Oak?”

“Sean, my man, I have learned both in the SEALs and in my business that there is no telling what people will do if they get desperate enough. And if there’s no one in the office and Sadie and I have to be gone for some reason, you need to be here.”

“I just—” He stopped. “Thank you.” He didn’t know what else to say.

“Did you get everything taken care of at Zoe’s?”

Sean nodded. “I brought the trash with me, though. Didn’t want to toss it where someone could find it and start tracking it down. Asking questions I’m guessing you don’t want to answer yet.”

“You got that right,” Hank agreed. “There may be something on there not too visible to the naked eye. I want to give my friend, Sheriff Alex Rossi, a chance to go over it.” He gave Sean a long, hard look. “I know your road’s

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