Fashionably Fooled (Hot Damned #13) - Robyn Peterman Page 0,52

into my arms and held him for the first time.

Again, my heart hammered in my chest, and my eyes filled with the tears I had no clue I was capable of. The child was perfection. His eyes glowed a deep purple, and there was a smattering of dark hair on his perfectly shaped head. Lizard had been incorrect about babies being bald. I’d electrocute him for that shortly.

“He smells so good,” I whispered in awe as he stared straight into my soul.

“Like Heaven,” my mother said with a happy sigh as she gently touched his cheek.

“No,” I said with an eye roll. “Like Hell. Heaven smells like ass.”

“Of course,” Sadie said with a smile as she hugged her daughter and gazed at the miracle in my arms. “He smells just like Hell.”

Laying down on the bed next to the woman who made me complete, I placed our son between us. I could stare at both of them for the rest of eternity and be fulfilled. It was a strange concept for the Devil to care more for others than himself.

I loved it.

I was still an asshole. I would always be an asshole, and I hoped my son would be the same. It would be necessary since he was the heir to Hell. Lying, cheating and stealing would come naturally to him, I was sure of it. It was in Elle’s and my DNA.

“You’re my hero,” I whispered to Elle.

“And you are mine, Devil,” she whispered back, gazing at our son with adoration. “Your shmackle is safe for now. However, I can’t do this again for a few centuries.”

“Not to worry,” Sadie said. “Sirens only bear a child once in a lifetime… if ever.”

“So, you’re saying Lucifer doesn’t need to invest in condoms? He doesn’t need to slap a glove on his Johnson?” my mother asked as she circled the room and repaired all the fire and explosion damage from the birth.

If she hadn't been doing something productive, I would have zapped the Hell out of her. Her ease with talking about my jewels in public settings was appalling.

Sadie giggled and shook her head. “Umm… no. Lucifer and Elle are fine to resume life as normal without worry.”

“I’m a little worn out,” Mammy said, sitting on the edge of the bed looking pale and ill.

Elle sat up, placed our son in my arms and quickly crawled to the end of the bed where Mammy sat. Wrapping her arms around the tiny woman, she kissed her and held her close.

“Did I harm you?” Elle asked, upset. “Can I help you now? Tell me what you need, and I’ll do it.”

Mammy gave Elle a tired smile and patted her head. “Nah, I’ll be good in a few days. Yer one powerful mother humper,” she said with a chuckle. “Never snorted magic like that before.”

“Are you certain you will be alright?” Mother Nature asked, taking Mammy’s chin in her hand and examining her eyes. “I can cast any kind of spell you need. Tell me what hurts.”

“I’m good,” Mammy insisted. “Just need to sleep it off.”

“Promise?” Elle asked, still holding Mammy close.

“Yep, don’t get yer sphincter in a knot over me,” Mammy said, standing up. “Can ya lift the binding spell so I can go get some shut eye?”

“Of course, Mammy,” Sadie said, clapping her hands and lifting the spell. “Will you be joining us at the party this evening?”

“Wasn’t invited,” Mammy said sadly.

All eyes landed on me. None of the eyes were pleased. If glares could kill, I’d be a dead Demon. Even my son gave me the stink-eye, and he was barely an hour old.

“What? Impossible,” I shouted, feigning shock. “How could this embarrassing oversight have happened? I will behead someone for this. Mammy, you and Murry will be guests of honor at the celebration. And… you are welcome to trim me right now. I’m not normally a man of my word. It’s dreadfully bad for my reputation, but for you I shall make an exception. Do I need to remove my pants?”

Mammy shook her head and gave me a lopsided grin. “Too tired to trim. But I appreciate the invite. Me and Murry would love to come to the party. I have a few vats of beans-n-franks that I froze. Should I bring ‘em?”

I wanted to scream no at the top of my lungs. The word was on the tip of my tongue. However, my son had another plan in mind. I felt a small, yet potent, zap to my head Copyright 2016 - 2024