Fashionably Fooled (Hot Damned #13) - Robyn Peterman Page 0,51

Mammy shouted. “Yer doing great!”

The Dark Palace and all of Hell shook on its foundation. I hoped the barrier would hold. It would be a damn shame if Hell were to disappear. But as long as my love and my child were fine, I didn’t care. I’d take my Demons and steal a new place for all of us to live in violent harmony. Where? No fucking clue. I’d figure it out later.

“I see his head,” Mammy said. “Push, Elle.”

“I can’t,” Elle grunted as her face reddened and her fists clenched. “I can’t.”

“You can,” I said, stroking the hair from her face. “You are the strongest and most beautiful woman I have ever known. I’m so in love with you it hurts.”

“It doesn’t hurt like blowing an SUV out of your vagina,” she snarled.

“True,” I conceded.

“I will make you pay for this, Lucifer,” Elle ground out. “I will make your life a living Hell.”

“I look forward to it,” I told her, placing my hand over my heart so she was aware I told the truth.

“I hate you right now,” Elle snapped.

“I love you more than I ever have.”

“You’re crazy,” she yelled.

“For you,” I shot back.

“Kind of cheesy,” my mother said with a grin.

Before I could electrocute my mother or even think of a good comeback, another explosion rocked through Hell. I was sure it could be felt all the way to Heaven.

“PUSH,” Mammy commanded. “One more big push and it’s over.”

“Do you promise, Mammy?” Elle screamed. “If you’re lying, I will rip your appendages off, wait for them to heal then rip them off again for the rest of time.”

“She’s so violent,” I said with pride right before my lover nailed me with a right hook that made me see stars.

“PUSH,” Mammy yelled. “And everyone duck. He’s coming.”

With a roar that sounded like a furious goddess, Elle did as she was told. The flames turned a sparkling purple and an earthquake erupted under my feet. I held fast to Elle to make sure she was safe. The next explosion was blinding. Literally.

Mother Nature screamed and Sadie cried out. What was happening? Did something go wrong?

“Elle,” I shouted. “Say something.”

“Something,” she choked out as she reached for me.

“Mammy, where are you?” I roared. “Speak.”

“All’s good,” Mammy shouted as the explosions began to die down and the smoke cleared. My vision came back but it was blurred.

Had my eyes been permanently damaged? I could barely see Mammy. I could tell she was holding something. I could somewhat make out her smile.

And that’s when I heard my son cry. It was glorious.

A tingle shot through my body. I felt it from my fingertips all the way to my toes. My stomach tightened, and my heart pounded like a jackhammer in my chest. A sparkling amethyst glow mixed with shimmering black light surrounded the small perfect bundle in Mammy’s arms. As she handed the amazing little person to Elle, my heart lodged in my throat. In all my eternity, I’d never been so moved. It was the definition of beauty.

“He’s got a large Johnson for such a little thing,” Mammy commented with a thumbs up.

“Of course, he does,” I choked out with pride. “He’s my son.”

My vision was fine. It was blurred with tears—such an unfamiliar occurrence for me. The Devil didn’t cry.

Today the Devil did.

For a moment, I wondered if Hell had frozen over and then pushed the thought aside. With the sheer amount of fire and explosions that had just occurred, there was no way my kingdom was ice. Hell awaited my son. It would never fail him, and neither would I.

“Do you want to hold him, Lucifer?” Elle asked softly with a smile.

“Will he break?” I inquired, terrified. “Is there a correct way to do this?”

I should have kept Lizard in the suite with me for the birth. The Demon knew everything. However, he and Astrid were busy with last minute party planning for the evening. Since the culprit who penned the death threat letter had still not been found, Lizard was prepping the Demon Army on security measures for the celebration. I was taking no chances.

“Babies don’t break,” Mammy said with a laugh.

“You’re certain about this?” I asked as I gently touched his plump cheeks and stared at the little man who I was immediately besotted with.

“Darling, I dropped you on your head repeatedly as a baby,” my mother volunteered with a giggle. “You were very squirmy. You turned out just fine.”

“I’m perfect,” I muttered as I took my son Copyright 2016 - 2024