Fashionably Fooled (Hot Damned #13) - Robyn Peterman Page 0,34

ask,” I replied, trying not to smile at the cute woman.

I failed.

“You know another of my kind,” she said with a wink. “I believe he has a restraining order against you.”

My gasp was audible. “You’re a Unicorn like Steve Perry?”

“I am,” she said with a nod of her head. “He’s invited me to be his companion at your birthday celebration on April 1st.”

“He’s coming?” I squealed, unable to control myself. I sounded like a teenage girl, but I didn’t care. Steve Perry was my hero. Journey was the greatest band of all time. Hopefully, Steve would tie one on and I could get close to him. The restraining order seriously cramped my style. I knew we would be best friends if the bastard would just give me a chance. I was fabulous. And yes, I was now aware that stalking him in his home, his place of work and in the tub was not nice. Occasionally, I learned from my mistakes.

I couldn’t wait until my womb evection day now. I just needed to make sure Darby, Dino and Dagwood got the Dark Palace looking spiffy. It would be appalling to have dust bunnies with Steve Perry in attendance.

I also needed to get to the bottom of who was trying to destroy my day. It was now more important than ever. There was a chance I could touch Steve Perry.

Shit. I hoped Steve Perry liked beans-n-franks.

Elle giggled and kissed my cheek. “He’s coming. You’re not allowed within a hundred feet of him, but Astrid pulled some favors and he’s definitely coming.”

“Excellent,” I said, reining it in so I didn’t sound like an idiot. “It shall make my special night even more special.”

“Vell, if that is it, I’ll see you this veekend,” Dr. Ruth stood to take her leave. “And congratulations.”

“Yes, yes, it’s wonderful news that Steve Perry is coming,” I said.

“It really is,” Elle said, squeezing my hand. “It will be the party to end all parties.”

I loved my woman so much it was insane.

Dr. Ruth looked at both Elle and me strangely for a moment then shrugged her tiny shoulders. “I can keep a secret,” she said with a giggle. “I von’t tell a soul.”

“Umm… okay,” Elle said with a perplexed smile. “It was lovely to see you again, Dr. Ruth.”

“You too, dear Elle. Say hello to your mother. I haven’t seen her in centuries.”

“She’ll be here soon,” I said as Elle turned to me in shocked delight.

“She will?” Elle asked as her eyes grew wide with joy.

I had no intention of telling the love of my evil life that her mother was coming to celebrate her lady time. That was dangerous territory. Everything was starting to go right. I wanted to keep my head—both of them.

“Indeed she will, lover. Your mother is coming for the party,” I said, tucking her wild blonde hair behind her ear. It was a half-truth. Sadie would be here for the party.

“April 1st is going to be the best day ever,” Elle said with a happy sigh as she yawned sleepily. “So darn tired all the time. I’m going to take a nap. Excuse me.”

With a kiss to my lips that made me yearn for more, and a goodbye hug for the three women, Elle wandered out of the office and went back to our connected suite to rest. Her lady time was kicking her lovely and shapely ass.

“Let her sleep,” Dr. Ruth advised, patting my hand. “During this special time, a voman can get very tired. She needs all the sleep she can get. Soon there vill be no rest for the veary!”

I was fairly sure she was implying that Elle and I would be sexually busy after her lady time was over. It was inappropriate, but correct. I decided not to smite her, because Elle seemed to care for her, and I didn’t think Steve Perry would like me if I beheaded his buddy.

“Are we done here?” I inquired as Martha and Jane went to gather up the left-over cookies and take them away.

“Yep, Giant Johnson, we are,” Martha said with a chuckle.

“Leave the cookies,” I instructed. “Elle might want them later.”

“Right,” Jane said with a grin. “Eat ‘em. We won’t tell.”

And I did. Right after they left, I inhaled the damn cookies.

They were delicious.

Today was looking up. I needed to find out if Murry the badass had found the culprit and then prepare for my meeting with Astrid. Not to mention, I needed to alert the media that Satan’s birthday was Copyright 2016 - 2024