Fake (Madison Kate #3) - Tate James Page 0,124

the round, but he wasn't even sticking around to do his one minute of coaching before round three. He just grabbed my hand, tossed Archer's water bottle and towel to Steele, and dragged me through the crowd so fast I needed to run a little to keep up.

He slammed the door to the ladies room open, startling the middle-aged woman washing her hands and making her shriek.

"Out," he ordered her, his tone totally uncompromising. The woman was shocked enough she did exactly that, leaving us alone in the lavish hotel restroom. Instantly Kody's mouth was on mine, his hands tight around my waist as he lifted me onto the edge of the vanity.

"You have no idea how badly I've missed you this week, babe," he muttered with frustration as he shoved the hem of my hoodie up and yanked my knees wide. "I've never had to jerk off so many times in my goddamn life."

I grinned against his lips, quietly pleased at that idea. It'd only been two weeks since we'd reconciled, but two weeks felt like an eternity now that his hands were finally on me again.

"Five minutes, Kody," I reminded him, tugging at his belt and pushing his pants down just far enough to free his huge erection. "Make me come."

He pulled back just long enough to line himself up with my soaked core, then gave me an arrogant smirk. "Yes, ma'am."

It took a couple of hard thrusts to get his thick cock fully inside me, and there was no time to mess about, taking it easy. The second he was fully seated, he started moving and I held on for dear life.

Kody's fingers gripped my ass, holding me tight as he fucked me senseless, the mirror behind me rattling with every thrust and the sound of our ragged breathing and moans echoing around the restroom. My pussy was tight around him, on the brink of an orgasm just from the illicit nature of a public fuck. Anyone could walk through the door and catch us, but that just made it so much more exciting.

"Babe," Kody hissed as my hips rolled against him. His cock struck me at a new angle, and a strangled groan escaped my throat. "Holy shit."

One of his hands left my ass, coming up to grab the back of my head and bring my lips to his for another bruising kiss. I toyed with him, my tongue meeting his in a clash of power. My teeth grabbed his lower lip, biting just a touch harder than playful, and he growled.

In response, the hand on the back of my neck shifted to my throat, and he squeezed.

I came. Hard. But he didn't let up until he was done as well, pumping himself into me with several hard thrusts. Only then did he release my throat, and I sucked in a deep lungful of air.

These boys were seriously bringing out my kinky side, and I was one hundred percent on board.

Kody kissed me again, his tongue as harsh and demanding as his cock had just been, then pressed his forehead to mine and locked those gorgeous green eyes on me.

"Seriously, babe," he whispered, his voice rough and his dick still twitching inside me like it was already eager for round two. "I love you so much it hurts. I've never felt like this for anyone before, but I'll happily murder any bastard who tries to tear us apart."

He kissed me again, saving me the pressure of a response, then lifted me off the vanity. I snatched a couple of tissues to wipe up the worst of the mess between my legs, but I already knew that wasn't going to cut it if I'd be standing for any length of time.

"Give me a minute to clean up properly," I told him. "I don't have any panties, remember?"

Kody just gave me a hungry, possessive grin. "Good. Come on, we went over our time."

He gave me no time to argue, taking my hand and tugging me back out of the restroom with him. We dove straight back into the crowd, making our way back to our seats right as Archer and Alexi were clasping hands in the center of the cage while the Bruce Buffer wannabe was rattling off his closing announcements.

"I hate you," Steele told Kody as we reached him, his eyes running over my undoubtedly disheveled hair and swollen lips. Jase was lurking a few feet away with pure venom on his face as he glared at

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